IMECH-IR  > 力学所知识产出(1956-2008)
Thesis Advisor李世海
Degree Grantor中国科学院研究生院
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline工程力学
Keyword三维离散元块体-质点模型 单轴抗压试验 单轴抗拉试验 巴西试验 数值模拟
Other AbstractAccording to surface-to-surface contact model, a new numerical simulations model is built, which could be used to simulate both continuous and discontinuous materials. In this model, the parallelepiped elements have been created by the intersection of three sets of physical joints in rock mass and those parallelepiped elements are dispersed as a spring system composed by 25 particles and the springs connecting the particles. Then by using the variation of the function, the stiffness of the springs could be obtained. Computing codes in C language were programmed according to this new block-particle model. This model could express the deformation and cracking in material. The whole rigidity matrix is optimized, which could improve the calculation efficiency. The rule of spring intensity corresponding the rock mass intensity has been build. Numerical simulations were carried out for uniaxile compress test, pure shear test, cracking test. The rule of the deformation and cracking agree well with theoretical results and test data, It is shown that the new model have the desired accuracy and could also be used to study the failure process of materials. Then the new model is used in numerical simulations of Brazil test, the result of numerical simulation is that the pull stress and the shear stress both induce the cracking. Numerical simulations were carried out for some regular slope subject. The result inosculates the laboratory test. In the simulation of slope at Maoping, conclusion was gained by studying the stabilities of two sets of joints. The effect of some critical parameter to the slope stability is studied. The result presents that the cracking have already formed in the deformation stage, which adding the instability. The post-disposing code provides an interface between the computational data and the plot software-Origin. Graphs of stress fields, displacement fields, main forces, max shear force and the position of elements sliding or cracked can be plotted. It is feasible to use the new model in studying of rock parameters or stabilities of practical projects. Of course, further research is needed in building the cracking rule. The results of this method also require to be verified by more projects.
Call Number30057
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
饶莹. 三维离散元块体-质点模型及其应用[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2003.
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