IMECH-IR  > 力学所知识产出(1956-2008)
Source Publication地球物理学报
Other AbstractIn this paper, a mechanism of the earth's magnetospheric substorm is discussed. The magnetospheric configuration is converted from the nearly closed one into an open one, when the IMF has a large southward component. The Alfven waves with energy greater than 10" ergs/sec can pass through from the magnetosheath into the magne-totail, and the wave energy is dissipated in the plasma sheet. The particles are heated and accelerated in the plasma sheet, and then injected into the near earth space, and produce the ring current and auroral substorm. The propagation process of the Alfven wave in a shear velocity field is calculated, and the dissipation of Alfven waves in the magnetosphere is given.Using the results of this paper and the results of [4] we can explain the phenomena that the substorm is easy to appear when the IMF turn to south. But the sub-storm does not correspond to the IMF turning south uniquely; the substorm can be produced even if the IMF is directed to north.
Keyword阿尔文波 磁层尾 磁层亚暴 地球磁层 磁鞘 南向分量 位形 等离子体片 涨落
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WOS IDWOS:A1981MC07300006
Citation statistics
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author胡文瑞
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
胡文瑞. 阿尔文涨落与地球磁层亚暴[J]. 地球物理学报,1981,24,3,:279-286.
APA 胡文瑞.(1981).阿尔文涨落与地球磁层亚暴.地球物理学报,24(3),279-286.
MLA 胡文瑞."阿尔文涨落与地球磁层亚暴".地球物理学报 24.3(1981):279-286.
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