A second-order monotonicity-preserving optimized MUSCL scheme (OMUSCL2) isdeveloped based on dispersion and dissipation optimization and monotonicity-preservingtechnique. The new scheme (OMUSCL2) has simple expression and is easy to be used in CFDcodes. Compared with the original second-order or third-order MUSCL scheme, the new schemeshows nearly the same CPU costs and higher resolution to shockwaves and small-scale waves.We test the new scheme through a set of one-dimensional and two-dimensional tests, includingthe Shu-Osher problem, the sod problem, the Lax problem, two dimension double Machreflection and RAE2822 transonic airfoil test. All numerical tests show that, compared withoriginal MUSCL schemes, the new scheme has less dispersion error, less dissipation error andhigher resolution.