2014 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology
November 4-6, 2014
Beijing, China
It is the fact that combustion properties of large-scale crude oil pool fire have great significance for security design and firefighting of current crude oil reserves. Burning rate, the flame shape and radiation intensity are the most important parameters for fires properties. According to two-zone theoretical model, there are many calculation models for different parameters. Based on crude oil pool fire experiments in Tomakomai, Japan, several common kinds of model are analyzed. Some conclusions are drawn: Babrauska formula is accurate around 10 m diameter; Thomas model is appropriate for the flame heighten of smaller scale(less than 5 m), while Heskestad model is appropriate for the flame heighten of larger scale (greater than 10 m); when the thermal radiation intensity is greater than 5 kW/m2, Shokri Beyler model is more applicable; when the thermal radiation intensity is less than 1 kW/m2, Point source model is more accurate.