IMECH-IR  > 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室
Alternative TitleBackscattering measurements of plasma coated target in high-enthalpy wind tunnel
金明; 韦笑; 吴洋; 张羽淮; 余西龙
Source Publication物理学报

利用JF10 高焓激波风洞设施, 进行了等离子鞘包覆目标的电磁散射测量实验. 基于矢量网络仪的步进扫频体制, 在C 波段进行实验, 观测到等离子鞘对目标雷达散射截面(radar cross section, RCS) 的影响. 并且,目标散射测量值中直接体现了激波风洞的高速气流状态信息: 气流前段会造成散射回波的剧烈变化且稳定性差, 持续0.5—1 ms; 激发的等离子鞘有效持续时间仅约为2 ms, 衰减了目标RCS 回波.

Other Abstract

When high-speed vehicles enter into the atmosphere, plasma sheath may be excited around due to aerodynamic heating, resulting in difficulties in communicating and changes of electromagnetic scattering properties. Those facts have received lots of attention due to their influences on the aerospace communication and radio telemetry applications. While analytic and numerical studies have been carried out by many native institutions on the electromagnetic radiation/scattering problems in the presence of plasma sheath, there remains the lack of measurement data to support and verify those researches. This work reports the backscattering measurements for the target surrounded by plasma sheath in the ground high-enthalpy shock tunnel facility. Using the step frequency sweeping mode of a commercial instrument, i.e., vector network analyzer, we conduct the experiments in the JF-10 high-enthalpy shock tunnel. The dynamic electromagnetic scattering measurement must be completed on a time scale of ms while the shock tunnel is running. The implementation details are demonstrated in this work, including the experimental configurations, data processing procedures, timing synchronization, and discussion on the relationships between the air flow status and measured target scattering signals. The influences of the plasma sheath on the target RCS (radar cross section) in the C band are successfully and clearly observed. The influence of the air flow status on the measured data can be concluded as follows: the front section of high-speed air flow lasting about 0.5-1 ms will change the measured signal dramatically, which should be avoided in observation due to its instability; the effective plasma sheath lasts only about 2 ms, resulting in an overall reduction on the target RCS by about 2 dB in the measurements. Afterwards, the effects by the plasma sheath on the target scattering vanish quickly.

Keyword等离子鞘 激波风洞 电磁散射 实验测量
Indexed BySCI ; EI
WOS IDWOS:000368822000027
Funding Organization国家自然科学基金重大项目(批准号: 61490695-07)资助的课题
Citation statistics
Cited Times:4[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author张羽淮
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
金明,韦笑,吴洋,等. 激波风洞设施中的等离子体包覆目标电磁散射实验研究[J]. 物理学报,2015,64,20,.
APA 金明,韦笑,吴洋,张羽淮,&余西龙.(2015).激波风洞设施中的等离子体包覆目标电磁散射实验研究.物理学报,64(20).
MLA 金明,et al."激波风洞设施中的等离子体包覆目标电磁散射实验研究".物理学报 64.20(2015).
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