| 超稠原油的流变学特性及流动特征研究 |
其他题名 | Investigation on rheological properties and flow characteristics of heavy crude oils
| 张栋 ; 张健 ; 刘硕 ; 许晶禹
发表期刊 | 水动力学研究与进展. A辑
![](/image/waiting.gif) |
| 2016
卷号 | 31期号:2页码:145-150 |
ISSN | 1000-4874
摘要 | 该文针对三种不同类型的超稠原油的触变性、屈服应力和黏弹性等开展了研究工作。实验首先采用Haake RS6000旋转流变仪进行了流变学测试,结果表明随温度的上升,超稠原油的黏度、触变性和屈服应力均呈现出指数衰减的趋势;超稠原油表现出明显的黏弹性性质,且随频率的增大,样品从黏性主导转变成弹性主导。室内管道流动实验中,分别考虑温度、流速等因素研究了原油管道输运时的启动应力和流动规律,并将管流的测试结果与流变仪测量数据进行了对比分析,采用流变仪得到的在低剪切速率区间的流变学参数可以很好地应用于高剪切速率区的管道流动中。 |
其他摘要 | In this paper, the thixotropy, yield stress and viscoelasticity of three different kinds of heavy crude oils were investigated. Haake RS6000 rheometer was used to measure the rheological characteristics. The results show that the values of viscosity, thixotropy and yield stress are kept in decreasing by exponent rule with increasing of the temperature. Heavy crude oil performs the obvious viscoelastic characteristic and will be changed from viscosity dominant to elastic dominant with the frequency increasing. By considering the influence factors of temperature and velocity, the law of start-up stress and the rule of flow were investigated in the experiments of pipeline transportation, respectively. A comparison between the pipe flow measurements and the rheological measurements indicated that the parameters of rheology under the low shear rates obtained by rheometer can apply successfully to the pipe-flow with the high shear rates. |
关键词 | Heavy Crude Oil
Yield Stress
Pipe Flow Experiment
DOI | 10.16076/j.cnki.cjhd.2016.02.003
收录类别 | CSCD
语种 | 中文
关键词[WOS] | heavy crude oil
; thixotropy
; yield stress, visco-elasticity, pipe flow experiment
项目资助者 | 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项
CSCD记录号 | CSCD:5679361
课题组名称 | LMFS多相流及流固耦合(LHO)
引用统计 |
文献类型 | 期刊论文
条目标识符 | http://dspace.imech.ac.cn/handle/311007/58834
专题 | 流固耦合系统力学重点实验室
通讯作者 | 许晶禹 |
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714 |
张栋,张健,刘硕,等. 超稠原油的流变学特性及流动特征研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2016,31,2,:145-150.
张栋,张健,刘硕,&许晶禹.(2016).超稠原油的流变学特性及流动特征研究.水动力学研究与进展. A辑,31(2),145-150.
张栋,et al."超稠原油的流变学特性及流动特征研究".水动力学研究与进展. A辑 31.2(2016):145-150.