IMECH-IR  > 力学所知识产出(1956-2008)
Subcooled pool boiling on thin wire in microgravity
Zhao JF(赵建福); Wan SX(万士昕); Liu G(刘刚); Yan N(闫娜); Hu WR(胡文瑞)
Source PublicationAIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006
Conference NameAIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006
Conference DateOctober 2, 2006 - October 6, 2006
Conference PlaceValencia, Spain
AbstractThe present paper reports a new set of experimental data of subcooling pool boiling on a thin wire in microgravity aboard the 22nd Chinese recoverable satellite using the temperature-controlled pool boiling (TCPB) device, which was developed to perform pool boiling heat transfer studies in both normal and microgravity. The results of the experiments in normal gravity before and after the flight experiment were also presented in the present paper, which were compared with those in microgravity. In all cases, the bulk fluid was R113 at 0.1 MPa and subcooled by 26°C nominally. A thin platinum wire of 60 μm in diameter and 30 mm in length is simultaneously used as heater and thermometer. Three modes of heat transfer, namely single-phase natural convection, nucleate boiling, and two-mode transition boiling, are observed in the experiment aboard the 22nd Chinese recoverable satellite and those in normal gravity before and after the flight experiment, while only the characteristics of nucleate pool boiling is analyzed in the present paper. It's found that the heat transfer of nucleate pool boiling is slightly enhanced in microgravity comparing with those in normal gravity. It's also found that the correlation of Lienhard and Dhir (1973) can predict the CHF with good agreement, although the range of the dimensionless radius is extended by three or more decades above the originally set limit. Three critical bubble diameters are observed in microgravity, which divide the observed vapor bubbles into four regimes with different sizes. Considering the Marangoni effect, a qualitative model is proposed based on the model of Lee (1992) to reveal the mechanism underlying the bubble departure processes and a quantitative agreement can also be acquired.
KeywordBubble Departure Diameter Nucleate Pool Boiling Subcooling
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Document Type会议论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhao JF,Wan SX,Liu G,et al. Subcooled pool boiling on thin wire in microgravity[C]AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006,2006.
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