IMECH-IR  > 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室
Development of zone flamelet modelfor scramjet combustor modeling
Yao W(姚卫)1,2; Fan XJ(范学军)1,2
Source Publication21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017
Conference Name21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017
Conference DateMarch 6, 2017 - March 9, 2017
Conference PlaceXiamen, China
AbstractTo alleviate the huge computational cost in supersonic combustor modeling and to improve the accuracy of traditional unsteady flamelet model, a zone flamelet is proposed. The main idea of zone flamelet is to divide the whole turbulent combustion field into a finite number of control zones and the chemical status in each zone is represented by a single flamelet. With proper zone division, the local flow conditions can be assumed to be homogeneous, where the scattering of variables over the mixture fraction space is in controllable small, thus the representative flamelet approaches the real scalar distribution. The flamelets exchange information through flux-conserved convection when across the zone boundary, thus the flamelet variables can be transport from upstream to downstream in a flow manner. Although one additional mixture fraction is resolved, great computational cost is still saved because the zone division in physical space is much coarser than the flow simulation mesh. A simple historical statistics approach is proposed to estimate the representative temperature, in order to further alleviate the computational cost in solving the flamelet temperature equation usually with numerous sub-models for non-adiabatic terms, e.g. radiation and wall heat loss. The zone flamelet model is then applied to model a scramjet combustor operated at a flight Mach number of 6.5 and a fuel equivalence ratio of 0.8. The performance of zone flamelet model in highly non-equilibrium supersonic combustion is compared with the traditional PaSR model. © 2017, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved.
KeywordCombustion Cost benefit analysis Costs Mixtures Ramjet engines Supersonic aircraft Computational costs Equivalence ratios Local flow conditions Scramjet combustors Statistics approaches Supersonic combustion Supersonic combustors Turbulent combustion
Indexed ByEI
Document Type会议论文
Affiliation1.Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics, Institute of Mechanics, CAS, No.15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing; 100190, China;
2.School of Engineering Science, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing; 100049, China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yao W,Fan XJ. Development of zone flamelet modelfor scramjet combustor modeling[C]21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017,2017.
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