IMECH-IR  > 非线性力学国家重点实验室
Alternative TitleStudy on the micro-mechanism of mechanical properties of new porous carbon nanomaterials
Thesis Advisor武作兵 ; 王超
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline流体力学
Keyword碳纳米多孔材料 力学性能 微观机理 粗粒化分子动力学模拟



2)石墨烯泡沫材料在简单剪切作用下的变形及断裂特征。石墨烯泡沫材料在剪切加载下呈现出明显的应变硬化特征。宏观应变硬化现象是由微观非局部断裂以及由此导致的石墨烯片的几何与应力重排布共同引发的。片间交联密度以及片层厚度可以对应变硬化特征进行调控。剪切刚度G随交联密度线性增加,与石墨烯片层数n之间满足标度率关系G ~ n1.95




Other Abstract

New porous carbon nanomaterials, including carbon nanotube networks, graphene foams and their hybrid materials, are macro-porous bulk materials made up of a large number of carbon nanotubes or graphene sheets as building blocks. These new porous materials inherit the advantages of carbon nanotube, graphene and porous structure, having a series of excellent mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, leading broad application prospects in many fields such as optoelectronic devices, energy storage, environment, biology and so on. At present, the mechanical mechanism and the tuning scheme of this new kind of porous materials are elusive, which greatly restricts their designs and applications. In this dissertation, the mechanical models of carbon nanotube networks, graphene foams, graphene/carbon nanotube hybrid materials with crosslinks are established in consideration of bond-breakings. Using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation and quasi-static mechanical experiments, the deformation behaviors and fracture modes of these new porous carbon materials under tension, compression and shear loading are systematically studied. The effect of the building blocks and crosslinks on the mechanical properties of the assemblies is discussed. The main work of this dissertation is as follows:

(1) Deformation and fracture modes of carbon nanotube networks. Carbon nanotube networks show different deformation modes under tensile and compressive loadings. Under tensile loading, there is a critical crosslink density tuning the deformation mode from bend-dominant to bend-stretch-bend-dominant three-stage mode. In addition, there is another critical crosslink density tuning the fracture mode from ductile to brittle fracture with increasing crosslink density. Under compressive loading, the deformation mode of the material is always bend-dominated, independent of crosslink density and compressive strain.

(2) Deformation and fracture characteristics of graphene foams under simple shear loading. Graphene foams exhibit strain hardening characteristic under shear loading. The strain hardening phenomenon in macroscopic scale is caused by the microscopic non-localized fractures and the resulting rearrangements of graphene sheets and the redistribution of stresses. The strain hardening can be controlled by crosslink density and graphene layers. The shear stiffness G increases linearly with crosslink density, and the relationship between G and the number of graphene layers n satisfies G ~ n1.95.

(3) Micro-structural mechanism of the plasticity of graphene foams. The parameter of "non-uniformity of deformation" is proposed to unveil that the plastic deformation of graphene foams under tension has two successive stages characterized by the non-localized and localized microscopic plasticity, respectively. When the tensile strain is smaller than a critical value, the plasticity of graphene foams is dominated by the non-localized irreversible changes of micro-structures; when the tensile strain exceeds the critical value, it is dominated by the localized plastic deformation caused by irreversible bond-breakings near the fracture zone. Furthermore, we find that only non-localized plasticity occurs in graphene foams under compression.

(4) Mechanical properties and tuning scheme of graphene/carbon nanotube hybrid materials. We find experimentally that the strength, ductility and resilience of the composite can be improved by adding a fraction of carbon nanotubes, and the three underlying mechanisms are strengthening, toughening and avoiding the accumulation of graphene sheets caused by carbon nanotubes. According to the parameter of the "non-uniformity of deformation", the tensile deformation of the composite includes two successive stages characterized by non-localized and localized plastic deformation, respectively. The non-localized microscopic plasticity is similar to that in the pristine graphene foams in the above section. In the localized plastic deformation stage, the irreversible elongation of carbon nanotubes is the main source of plasticity.

These results provide a scientific basis for improving and optimizing the physical and mechanical properties of carbon-based porous materials, and can guide the performance optimization and engineering application of this new kind of materials

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
杨田. 新型碳纳米多孔材料力学性能的微观机理研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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