IMECH-IR  > 非线性力学国家重点实验室
Alternative TitleBuckling theory and stretchability of structures with finite prebuckling deformation
Thesis Advisor苏业旺
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline固体力学





Other Abstract

  Flexible electronics have extensive application prospects, such as healthcare, smart industry, aerospace engineering, etc. The realization of the flexibility and stretchability of flexible electronics depends on the mechanical structure design. Based on the mechanism of buckling, plenty of the film interconnects designs are used to achieve stretchability for the electronics. It is found that the interconnects with thick section provide enhanced stretchability, and have superior performances in electrical and thermal properties during several conditions. Different from buckling interconnects with film structures, the interconnects with thick section have large prebuckling deformation, which is defined as “structures finite prebuckling deformation”. This dissertation aims to study the buckling theory and stretchability of structures with finite prebuckling deformation systematically. The main contents are as follows:

  The prebuckling deformation of structures such as slender compressive rod is usually very small, and is always neglected in the conventional buckling theory (CBT) and numerical method (CNM). Only the effect of prebuckling stress/force is considered. We find the serpentine interconnects with thick section, of which the prebuckling deformation becomes large and essential for determining the critical buckling load. Although great progress has been made for the buckling theory in the past hundred years, it is still challenging to analyze the buckling problems with finite prebuckling deformation (FPD buckling) straightforwardly. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the finite prebuckling deformation buckling theory (FPD buckling theory) with consideration of the prebuckling deformation. Here, the experimental stretch of a series of serpentine interconnects was firstly conducted as a representative example to show the inapplicability of the CBT and CNM (The CNM can yield a huge error of 50% on the critical buckling load for the case with thickness-to-width ratio of the section h / b = 0.6). A systematic and straightforward finite prebuckling deformation buckling theory is developed to analyze the FPD buckling behaviors of beams with the coupling of bending, twist and stretch/compression. As a comparison, various theoretical and numerical methods are applied to three classic problems, including lateral buckling of a three-point-bending beam, lateral buckling of a pure bending beam and Euler buckling. It is found that FPD buckling theory for beams is able to give a good prediction, while the CBT and CNM yield unacceptable results (with 70% error for a three-point-bending beam with h / b = 0.8, for example).

  The elastic substrate, which is a structure with finite prebuckling deformation under certain conditions, is widely used in flexible electronics. A systematic and straightforward theory for the FPD buckling of bulk structures is developed. The classic problems, including buckling of an elastic semi-plane solid and buckling of an elastic rectangular solid, are sovled respectively. Compared with the accurate buckling load from a special numerical method named disturbing-loading-unloading method (DLU method), the FPD buckling theory is able to give a good prediction, while the CBT and CNM may yield unacceptable results (with 70% error for the buckling of an elastic semi-plane solid). The establishment of the finite prebuckling deformation buckling theory for beam and bulk structures is of great significance for mechanical analysis, optimal design and applications of flexible electronics.

  The prestrain strategy is combined with the nonbuckling serpentine interconnect design. An analytic finite deformation model is developed for the serpentine interconnects with thick section during the release of the prestrained substrate or stretch of the interconnects. The perfect agreement with FEA validates the accuracy of the analytic results. It is found that the prestrain strategy enhances the stretchability of serpentine interconnects with thick section. Larger prestrain, longer straight segments and smaller arc radii enhance the stretchability of serpentine interconnects with thick section. While a larger prestrain also yields a larger maximum strain after releasing the prestrain, which means an appropriate prestrain (the interconnects will not be destroyed after releasing the prestrain) need to be selected to achieve the optimal stretchability.

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
赵宏宇. 有限初始变形结构的屈曲理论及可拉伸性研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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