IMECH-IR  > 非线性力学国家重点实验室
Alternative TitleMolecular dynamics simulations of diffusion in high-entropy alloy
王 一舟
Thesis Advisor肖攀
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline固体力学
Keyword扩散 动力学不均匀性 高熵合金 分子动力学





Other Abstract

Diffusion in the traditional crystalline solids is dynamically homogeneous characterized by a single-value activation energy. However, such a scenario breaks down at atomic scale in the recently advanced high-entropy alloy. High-entropy alloy is a kind of complex concentrated alloy composed of at least five elements in equal proportions or close to equal proportions. Its unique structural features with multi-principal elements randomly occupying on lattice sites that may induce strikingly local chemical heterogeneity. The research on the high-entropy alloys can help us to understand their phase stability as well as deformation behavior, and extend the application of them. In the paper we uncover and decouple the dynamic heterogeneity accommodating the lattice diffusion in an archetypical high-entropy Cantor alloy (CoCrFeMnNi) via combined molecular dynamics, molecular statics and activation-relaxation technique.

Initially, we set up a single-vacancy and a vacancy-saturated model to explore the upper bound and lower bound of activation energies. The models are expected to define a possible range of activation energies for the lattice diffusion in high-entropy alloys, which are comparable to experimental data. However, we found the activation energies derived from two models are smaller than the experimental value hence modifications are necessary.

Afterwards, we used molecular statics to get the vacancy formation energy of each type atom in high-entropy alloy while use the activation-relaxation technique to figure out the migration energy of the nearest-neighbor atoms of the vacancies in vacancy-saturated model. Due to the feature of high-entropy alloy that multi-principal elements randomly occupying on lattice sites, each atom in the model has a different local chemical environment, we got the distribution of vacancy formation energy for each element as well as migration energy finally. We modified the activation energies and got a more reasonable value after obtaining the vacancy formation energy.

Finally, we compared the distributions of migration energy and vacancy formation energy obtained from the simulation, the experimental value of diffusion activation energy from the literature and activation energy of two models from the simulations. We argue that the conventional hypothesis of diffusion activation energy estimated from Arrhenius equation as a sum of vacancy formation energy and migration energy becomes intractable in high-entropy alloy. The wide distribution of the migration energy may be an important source of the diffusion heterogeneity of high-entropy alloys and even multi-principal element alloys. The pre-exponential factors may be another source of the diffusion heterogeneity. The atomic-scale insights to diffusion heterogeneity, in contrast to the classical theory of homogeneous diffusion in conventional solid solutions, highlight the complexity of diffusion pathway and the intimate correlation between chemical, topological and dynamic heterogeneity in the generic complex concentrated alloys.

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
王 一舟. 高熵合金扩散行为的分子动力学研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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