英文摘要 | Pressure sensing for complex application scenarios, such as micro/nano electromechanical systems and the extreme conditions induced by explosion or shock compression, has placed new demands on pressure sensors: spatial resolution to the micron or nanometer scale, pressure range at the MPa or GPa level, responsible in complex temperature/pressure environments and non-contact detecting. However, the existing pressure sensors are basically difficult to meet the above requirements simultaneously. As nanoscale photoluminescence (PL) materials, quantum dots (QDs) are expected to become a new type of nanoscale pressure sensing materials due to their unique energy level structure and pressure-related PL properties. At present, preliminary progress has been obtained in the research on the response of PL properties of QDs under pressure, while experimental studies on more complex application conditions of pressure sensors are less involved, such as temperature, repeated loading-unloading, etc. Moreover, the effects of QD size, microstructure and material type on PL characteristics under pressure have not been systematically analyzed. More importantly, the microscopic mechanisms of the PL responses of QDs with pressure also need to be investigated. In the dissertation, an experimental platform was designed and built. Then, experiments of PL response were carried out on CdTe, CuInS2 and core-shell CuInS2/ZnS QDs with different sizes and structures under several complex conditions such as different temperatures, pressures and cycles of pressure loading and unloading. Two main fluorescence characteristics of the PL, namely, PL intensity and spectral peak energy (EPL ), were used as indicators to reveal the law of PL response for different QDs under different experimental conditions. Furthermore, the energy gaps of QDs of different sizes were studied under different strain patterns using first-principles calculations, and the mechanism of the response of EPL with pressure was investigated from a microscopic perspective. The specific research work includes the following aspects.
- The experimental platform for testing PL response of QDs under high pressure and temperature was setup. The platform consists of three units: fluorescence excitation and detection, pressure loading and temperature control. With the platform, experiments on PL responses of QDs can be carried out with pressure up to 12 GPa and temperature up to 250 ℃. Compared with the traditional platform for PL response detection, the three parts are designed to be independent with each other and convenient for operation. Further, the equipment parameters and precautions of each part are systematically tested and summarized, which not only facilitates the experiments in the dissertation, but also provides a reference for related researchers to build a QD-based pressure sensing platform.
- PL responses of serveral typical QDs under conditions close to actual applications were investigated. Experiments on CdTe, CuInS2 and core-shell CuInS2/ZnS QDs of different sizes and structures were carred out to investigate their PL responses at different pressure, temperature and loading-unloading conditions. The main results including: (ⅰ) The PL response of different QDs under pressure show that the EPL
increases monotonically with increasing pressure. For CdTe and CuInS2/ZnS QDs, the relationship between EPL and pressure exhibits a quadratic function, while a bilinear function is found suitable for CuInS2 QDs. The relationship between EPL and pressure can be used as the basis for QD-based pressure sensing materials. However, the PL intensity shows a non-monotonic variation. It enhances first and then decays with the increasing pressure, and finally disappears, which can affect the pressure detection range of QDs as pressure sensing materials. (ⅱ) The repetitive pressure loading-unloading experimental research of QDs was carried out for the first time. The results show that for the three types of QDs, only the CuInS2 QDs with size of 1.5 nm exhibit loading history dependence and thus are inconvenient to be used for pressure detection in repeated loading-unloading cycles. Additionally, the PL of QDs decays continuously with the increase of the number of loading-unloading cycles, which leads to the decrease of the maximum pressure detectable by QDs. (ⅲ) The effect of temperature on the pressure related PL characteristics was systematically studied. The results show that the EPL decreases continuously with the increase of temperature, while the PL intensity enhances first and then decays with temperature. After the temperature cools down, both the EPL and PL intensity cannot be recovered due to the irreversible changes of microstructure of QDs induced by high temperature. In addition, for CdTe and CuInS2/ZnS QDs, the coefficients of the EPL -pressure functions show good consistency at different temperatures. However, for the CuInS2 QDs with high spontaneous growth rate, the coefficients of EPL -pressure functions show large differences with temperature. The results could provide reference and guidance for developing QD-based pressure sensing materials under actual application conditions.
- The merits of shell-coated QDs as pressure sensing materials are confirmed by systematical study of the PL responses of bare CuInS2 and core-shell CuInS2/ZnS QDs under different temperature, pressure and loading-unloading conditions. The results show that the shell structure can play an effective role in passivating and protecting the core structure of QDs, and it leads to the improvement of PL properties of QDs in various aspects. The PL intensity is effectively enhanced. The functional relationship between the EPL
and pressure is simplified. The PL properties are more stable than the bare QDs under high pressure or high temperature conditions. Therefore, shell-covered QDs are more advantageous as pressure sensing materials.
- First-principles calculations were carried out to clarify the microscopic mechanism of the effect of strain state and size on the energy gap of QDs. Using the first-principles method, the dependences of the energy gap of CdTe QDs with different sizes on the strain state under hydrostatic compression (HC), shock compression (SC) and uniaxial compression (UC) modes were investigated. The results show that for HC and SC, the change of energy gap increases with strain, but the slope of the change of energy gap with strain is larger under HC. While for UC, the change of energy gap mainly shows a decreasing trend with strain. For size dependence, HC hardly affects the energy gap change-strain relationship, while for SC and UC, the larger the QD size, the larger the energy gap change. The direct reason of the strain/size dependence of the energy gap depends on the competition relationship and relative difference between the deformation potentials of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy (LUMO) and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy (HOMO) with strain, while the basic reason is the different strain/size response of the bonding and anti-bonding electron clouds due to the different strain triaxiality of the three types of strain modes.
Results in the dissertation help to understand the PL response and microscopic mechanism of different QDs under complex loading conditions. It provides new ideas for the study of pressure sensing materials based on the PL of QDs. Moreover, the results also provide valuable reference and guidance for the design and application of novel nanoscale pressure sensors. |