IMECH-IR  > 非线性力学国家重点实验室
Alternative TitleChemo-mechanical study on the kerogen molecular reconstruction and cleavage by machine learning
Thesis Advisor赵亚溥
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline固体力学
Keyword力能学 组合爆炸 机器学习 干酪根分子重构 裂解化学-力学性质



建设干酪根分子的机器学习数据库。经过标注的海量样本数据是实现机器学习方法的前提条件,但是尚无可满足机器学习高通量重构未知分子模型的数据库,针对此问题,本文通过实验和模拟建设了包含超过 200 万组分子样本的机器学习数据库,其中收录了分子结构、量子轨道构成、热解时序以及拉伸模拟应力-应变曲线等干酪根各项力学、化学特征信息,并且设计了 1H 13C 核磁谱的一维、二维离散化重构方法,为机器学习方法高通量重构干酪根分子模型和干酪根化学-力学性质研究奠定了坚实基础。



干酪根分子裂解化学-力学性质分析及预测。通过密度泛函理论和分子动力学等分子模拟方法,从官能团层面研究不同 sp2/sp3 原子占比干酪根分子模型的高温裂解和拉伸裂解机理,分析了干酪根受热裂解和拉伸裂解的主导机制。并针对干酪根热解行为分析困难的问题,设计机器学习方案,实现了对干酪根热解点位的智能化预测,可为页岩油气藏的生烃潜能评估提供指导。


Other Abstract

Energy is the material basis for the development of modern society. Energy security is the lifeblood of national security and an essential guarantee for sustainable development. The energy dependence of China is extremely high and may become the bottleneck for national rejuvenation. China’s shale oil/gas reserve ranks among the top in the world. However, these resources are unsuitable for exploitation because the shale oil/gas reservoirs are in medium and low maturity. It is necessary to develop in-situ ripening technology to promote the production of shale oil/gas. Kerogen is the primary hydrocarbon source of shale oil/ gas and the most abundant organic matter. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the kerogen structure and maturation mechanism is fundamental to guiding the in-situ shale oil/gas ripening. Molecular model is the cornerstone for the bottom-up research of kerogen chemo-mechanical properties. Unfortunately, there is a “combinatorial explosion” problem in molecular model reconstruction. Reconstruction complexity increases exponentially with the molecular weight. The combinatorial explosion problem is even more severe for kerogen because of its complex origin, significant molecular weight, and diverse functional groups. Almost all the molecular experimental measurement methods are carried out to reconstruct the kerogen model. And many outstanding ways have been developed. However, Trial-and-error processing is required to approximate the actual structure by traditional methods, which is not only time- and material-consuming but also extremely inefficient. So, it is urgent to develop new high-throughput reconstruction methods of kerogen model and intelligently predict the kerogen chemo-mechanical properties.

This dissertation focuses on two critical academic issues: The high-throughput reconstruction of the kerogen molecular model and the chemo-mechanical mechanism of kerogen cleavage. Machine learning (ML), simulation, and experimental analysis methods are combined to address the challenge.

Massive labeled samples are the prerequisite for the ML method. However, no database now satisfies the need to reconstruct the molecular model by ML. In response to this problem, the ML database containing more than two million molecular samples through experiments and simulations is designed. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, structural formulas, molecular hybridization information, etc., are redesigned in the database through feature engineering. Thus, the solid foundation is laid for the high-throughput reconstruction of the kerogen molecular model and the high-precision prediction of kerogen chemo-mechanical properties.

By considering the high complexity of the kerogen molecular model, the layer-by-layer progressive strategy from atoms to the whole molecule is adopted in the ML reconstruction method. Kerogen skeleton components are firstly predicted by combining the ML and 13C NMR spectra, and the high-precision analysis of the kerogen type and maturity index is fulfilled. Then the feasibility of obtaining kerogen molecular information through ML is verified. Analysis results of kerogen structure can be provided by the ML method without human intervention, significantly reducing the costs of kerogen analysis.

A combined NMR feature reconstruction scheme and the matching ML model are designed to solve the inefficient training of ML models with a single spectral feature. Multiple spectra can be comprehensively analyzed by the developed ML model simultaneously. The prediction accuracy significantly higher than single-spectrum is obtained. The high-throughput reconstruction of the kerogen molecular model is thus achieved, which is helpful in shortening the research cycle of the kerogen maturation mechanism and mechanical properties.

The pyrolysis and tensile cleavage mechanisms of kerogen with different sp2/sp3 atomic ratios are studied at the functional group level through molecular simulations. The dominant factors of thermal and tensile cleavage of kerogen are clarified. An ML method is suggested to realize intelligent prediction of the kerogen cleavage site. The work can guide the evaluation of the hydrocarbon generation potential of shale oil/gas reservoirs.

In this dissertation, a high-throughput reconstruction method of the kerogen molecular model is designed based on ML. And the dominant mechanism for the kerogen chemo-mechanical behavior of cleavage is discussed at the level of functional groups. The high-precision prediction of kerogen type, maturity, and cleavage site is realized. A more efficient and economical novel method is provided to promote the development of unconventional oil/ gas in-situ ripening technology and the evaluate oil/gas reservoirs.

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
康东亮. 基于机器学习的干酪根分子重构及裂解化学-力学机制研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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