IMECH-IR  > 流固耦合系统力学重点实验室
Alternative TitleMulti-scale mechanical behavior of high-performance fiber-reinforced composites
Thesis Advisor吴先前
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline工程力学
Keyword纤维单丝 高速横向冲击 纤维改性 动态力学性能 机器学习方法

纤维增强复合材料(Fiber-reinforced composites, FRC)因具有极高的比强度和比模量在近几十年来备受关注,被广泛应用于各个领域。结合其舒适性、可设计的优势,更是在冲击防护领域得到了快速地发展。纤维复合材料防护装备的纤维体积分数一般在80%以上。因此,对纤维材料的深入研究是防护装备设计和制造的基础,具有重要意义。本文主要围绕高性能纤维单丝材料、纤维/树脂界面和FRC在高应变率加载下的力学响应以及多尺度表征进行了相关研究。建立了针对微米直径纤维单丝冲击加载实验技术,为微尺度纤维单丝及界面动态力学性能表征提供了有效的实验手段,系统揭示了弹道侵彻条件下纤维单丝及基体的耗能机制;发展了曲面纤维增强复合材料抗侵彻性能分析方法,获得了防护性能的主控参数及其影响规律,为曲面防弹复合材料设计与制备提供了基本依据;初步建立了基于机器学习的高性能纤维增强复合材料侵彻高效计算模型,为防弹复合材料性能预测和高效设计提供了新的途径。主要研究内容包括:






Other Abstract

In recent decades, fiber-reinforced composites (FRC) have gained significant attention due to their high specific strength and modulus, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Especially, they are widely used in impact protective engineering due to their comfort and designability. Protective equipment typically utilizes FRCs with a fiber volume fraction above 80%, making an in-depth study of fiber materials crucial for their design and manufacture. This dissertation focuses on several aspects of FRCs under high strain rate loadings, including the mechanical response of high-performance monofilament, the fiber/resin interface, and the characterization methods used in related research. The study establishes an experimental technique for impact loading of micron-diameter monofilament, providing an effective way to characterize the dynamic mechanical properties of micro and nano-scale monofilaments and interfaces. The energy dissipation mechanism of monofilament and matrix under ballistic penetration conditions is systematically revealed. Additionally, the study develops an analysis method for the penetration resistance of curved FRCs, obtaining the vital parameters of protection performance and their scaling laws, providing a basis for the design and preparation of curved ballistic composites. Finally, a preliminary machine learning-based high-performance fiber reinforced composites penetration efficient calculation model is established, providing a new way for prediction and efficient design of bulletproof composites performance. Overall, the main research contents of this dissertation include:

1. To investigate the dynamic tensile properties of monofilaments, we improved a miniature Hopkinson bar device by using a highly sensitive piezoelectric force sensor instead of a transmitted bar, and by adding an absorbing bar at the end of the incident bar. This allowed for efficient and accurate measurement of the dynamic mechanical properties of micron-scale monofilaments. By combining these results with morphological features observed through scanning electron microscopy, we were able to explain the strain-rate sensitivity of their tensile strength.

2. In order to better understand the behavior of monofilaments under high-speed transverse impact loading, we analyzed theoretically the energy absorption behavior of the monofilament and proposed an indicator to estimate the anti-ballistic impact capability. Then improved a laser-driven microparticle impact experimental setup to use a laser-driven slug-like conical deformer, which allowed us to evaluate the energy dissipation behavior of monofilaments under high-speed transverse impact by measuring the conical deformer velocity and transverse wave velocity in images.

3. Using a polyamine modification method, we modified fibers and obtained the effect of the modification on the elemental and chemical bonding patterns of the fiber surface. Then tested the dynamic mechanical properties of the interface using a modified Mini-SHTB, and obtained parameters such as interface shear strength and stiffness. Using this data, we investigated the effects of modification, fiber content, and resin inhomogeneity on the properties of macroscopic monolayers by establishing fine-scale representative volume cells.

4. We discussed the main controlling factors of the ballistic impact resistance of FRC using the dimensional analysis method and established a scaling law. A macroscopic model is also built to investigate the effects of dimensionless radius of curvature and dimensionless area density on the ballistic limit velocity. On this basis, we investigated the influence of composite layup angle on the ballistic impact resistance.

5. We used machine learning methods, which was trained by a database from numerical simulations with various fiber contents, to investigate the relationship between microstructure and ballistic impact resistance of FRCs. The effects of different algorithms and parameters on the prediction model were also investigated, suggesting a suitable model for predicting the ballistic impact resistance of FRC.

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
雷旭东. 高性能纤维复合材料多尺度力学行为研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2023.
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