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Transition from shear thinning to thickening in two-dimensional colloidal gels 会议论文
13th International Conference on Fracture(ICF13), 中国北京, 2013-06-16
Authors:  Zheng ZY(郑中玉);  Wang YR(王育人)
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Colloidal  Thinning  Understood  Interfacial  Poorly  Transition  Suspensions  Shearing  Viscosity  Microscopic  
Behavior of interface crack in layered structure under actions of both stress wave and residual stress 会议论文
13th International Conference on Fracture(ICF13), 中国北京, 2013-06-16
Authors:  Wu CW(吴臣武);  Cheng XX(程欣欣);  Yuan YC(袁雨辰)
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Layered  Initially  Singularity  Stressed  Relaxation  Thereby