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Statistical evolution of microcracks and evolution induced catastrophe in spallation 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Dynamics, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 11-15, 1993
Authors:  Bai YL(白以龙);  Lu CS;  Han WS
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On laser-induced reverse plugging effect 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Dynamics, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 11-15, 1993
Authors:  Duan ZP(段祝平);  Zhou YC;  Huang CG(黄晨光);  Xie BM
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Experimental study of dynamic response for epoxy/SiO2 microballoon composite material 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Dynamics, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 11-15, 1993
Authors:  Shen LT;  Xu SZ;  Song LX;  Chen SX
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Experimental determination of extension rate of microcracks under impact loading 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Dynamics, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 11-15, 1993
Authors:  Han WS;  Bai YL(白以龙)
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Numerical simulation of microscopic evolution of spallation in an aluminium alloy 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Dynamics, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 11-15, 1993
Authors:  Lu CS;  Bai YL(白以龙)
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Damage characteristics of aluminum-alloy dual-sheet structure in hypervelocity impact 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Impact Dynamics, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 11-15, 1993
Authors:  Tan QM(谈庆明);  Zhang QM;  Zhang DL;  Zheng ZM(郑哲敏)
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