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Measurement Of Fracture Toughness And Interfacial Shear Strength Of Hard And Brittle Cr Coating On Ductile Steel Substrate 期刊论文
Surface Engineering, 2008, 页码: 332-336
Authors:  Yang BQ(杨班权);  Zhang K(张坤);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Luo GX(罗耕星);  Xiao JH(肖京华);  Yang, BQ (reprint author), Armored Force Engn Inst, Dept Mech Engn, Div Engn Mech, 21 Jia Kan, Beijing 100072, Peoples R China.
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Hard And Brittle Coating  Fracture Toughness  Ductile Steel Substrate  Interfacial Shear Strength  Tensile Test  Thermal Barrier Coatings  Thin-films  Adhesion  Cracking  Decohesion  Behavior  Indentation  Chromium  Erosion  Tensile  
Thickness and component distributions of yttrium-titanium alloy films in multi-electron-beam physical vapor deposition 会议论文
the 8th Vacuum Metallurgy and Surface Engineering, Shenyang, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUN 16-19, 2007
Authors:  Li SH(李帅辉);  Shu YH(舒勇华);  Fan J(樊菁)
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Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition  Thin Film  Thickness And Species Distributions  Vapor Atom  Non-equilibrium Transport Keywords Plus:Monte-carlo-simulation  Sphere Model  Evaporation  
Temperature distribution over 6-inch mono-crystal silicon substrate heated by parallel molybdenum filaments in vacuum 会议论文
8th Vacuum Metallurgy and Surface Engineering Conference, Shenyang, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUN 16-19, 2007
Authors:  Li SH(李帅辉);  Shu YH(舒勇华);  Tang JR(唐锦荣);  Fan J(樊菁);  Li, SH (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab High Temp Gas Dynam, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Characterising Of Internal Stresses In Duplex Coating By Fem 期刊论文
Surface Engineering, 2007, 页码: 291-294
Authors:  Wu CW(吴臣武);  Zhang K(张坤);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Wu, CW (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, 15 Beisihuanxi Rd, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Internal Stresses  Duplex Coating  Thermal Loading  Fem  Design  
In Situ Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Intermetallic Compound Layer During Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment of Zirconium 会议论文
14th Congress of the International-Federation-for-Heat-Treatment-and-Surface-Engineering, OCT 26-28, 2004 Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 26-28, 2004
Authors:  Sun CY(孙彩云);  Xie JJ(谢季佳);  Wu XL(武晓雷);  Hong YS(洪友士);  Liu G;  Lu J;  Lu K;  Wu XL(武晓雷)
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Preparation and characterization of amorphous layer on aluminum alloy formed by plasma electrolytic deposition (PED) 会议论文
14th Congress of the International-Federation-for-Heat-Treatment-and-Surface-Engineering, Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 26-28, 2004
Authors:  Guan YJ(关永军);  Xia Y(夏原);  夏原 (reprint author), CAS, Inst Mech, Beijing, Peoples R China.
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Failure mechanism researches of material surface and interface in micro-scratch test 会议论文
Conference on Surface Engineering 2002 - Synthesis, Characterization and Applications held at the 2002 MRS Fall Meeting, BOSTON, MA, DEC 02-05, 2002
Authors:  Wei YG(魏悦广);  Zhao MH;  Tang S;  Wei, YG (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, LNM, Inst Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Changing regularity of structure and phase of HDA-steel under diffusion treatment 会议论文
3rd International Conference on Surface Engineering, CHENGDU, PEOPLES R CHINA, OCT 10-13, 2002
Authors:  Yu SX;  Xia Y(夏原);  Yao M;  Yu, SX (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Fabrication and nanostructured surface layers of Al alloy by surface vibrational mechanical attrition 会议论文
Symposium on Advances in Surface Engineering - Fundamentals and Applications held at the 2001 MRS Fall Meeting, BOSTON, MA, NOV 26-29, 2001
Authors:  Wu XL(武晓雷);  Hong YS(洪友士);  Lu J;  Lu K;  Wu, X (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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