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低热层大气密度温度的计算与测量结果的比较 会议论文
第十三届全国物理力学学术会议, 中国湖南湘潭, 2014-10-17
作者:  万田;  蒋建政;  刘宏立;  樊菁;  潘蔚林;  乔帅
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低热层大气  大气密度和温度  全球大气模型  地面激光雷达观测  
Comparison of the simulated and LIDAR measured atmospheric density and temperature in lower thermosphere 会议论文
The 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 中国陕西西安, 2014-07-13
作者:  Wan T(万田);  Hu GQ(胡国庆);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Liu HL(刘宏立);  Fan J(樊菁);  Pan YL(潘蔚林);  Qiao S(乔帅)
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Comparison of the simulated and LIDAR measured atmospheric density and temperature in transitional flow regime 会议论文
The 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 中国陕西西安, 2014-07-13
作者:  Wan T(万田);  Hu GQ(胡国庆);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Liu HL(刘宏立);  Fan J(樊菁);  Pan YL(潘蔚林);  Qiao S(乔帅)
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Transitional  Lidar  Regime  Altitude  Empirical  Diurnal