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Safety assessment of explosion fragment projection in a wind field 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, 2025, 卷号: 94, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Liu, Xiaoming
Authors:  Liu YH(刘英辉);  Peng Q(彭青);  Fan, Zhongze;  Zheng, Yonghuang;  Wang, Haifeng;  Wu, Dan;  Wei, Yueguang;  Liu XM(刘小明)
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Explosion fragment  Projection trajectory  Probability distribution  Wind effect  Safety distance  
Physical modeling of VIV hysteresis of an elastically mounted circular cylinder: Mass-damping Effect 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2025, 卷号: 319, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Gao, Fu-Ping
Authors:  Liu J(刘俊);  Gao FP(高福平);  Liu XM(刘小明);  Qi WG(漆文刚)
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Vortex-induced vibrations  VIV hysteresis  Lock-in  Lock-out  Mass-damping parameter  Circular cylinder  
Unifying linear proportionality between real contact area and load in rough surface contact 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS, 2025, 卷号: 196, 页码: 18./通讯作者:Liu, Xiaoming, Shi, Xinghua
Authors:  Meng, Qinghua;  Song HX(宋恒旭);  Zhou, Yunong;  Liu XM(刘小明);  Shi, Xinghua
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Rough surface  Elastic contact  Contact model  Mean absolute slope  Shape coefficient  
Dynamic analysis of a large-scale fast reactor core under seismic condition 期刊论文
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 2025, 卷号: 432, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Peng, Qing, Liu, Xiaoming
Authors:  Liu BS(刘宝收);  Peng Q(彭庆);  Liu XM(刘小明)
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Reactor core  Nonlinear contact  Modal superposition method  Seismic analysis  
Three-dimensional fracture of UO2 ceramic pellets by phase field modeling 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2025, 卷号: 68, 期号: 1, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Ye, Xuan, Liu, Xiaoming
Authors:  Xiong,Wei;  Ye X(叶璇);  Cheng,Hongzhang;  Liu XM(刘小明)
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phase field method  nuclear fuel pellet  coupled thermo-mechanical model  thermal fracture  
Impact attenuation of sphere on woodpile 期刊论文
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2025, 卷号: 310, 页码: 113215./通讯作者:刘小明
Authors:  Jin YR(靳宇然);  Peng Q(彭青);  Liu XM(刘小明)
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Seismic behavior analysis of control rod dropping by vector form Intrinsic Finite-Element method 期刊论文
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 2024, 卷号: 430, 页码: 113660./通讯作者:Liu XM
Authors:  Wu H(吴晗);  Peng Q(彭青);  Jin, Fenglei;  Song JR(宋晶如);  Liu XM(刘小明)
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Control Rod  Rod Dropping  Vector Form Intrinsic Finite-Element Method  
Nonlinear model for assessing seismic resilience in nuclear fuel assemblies 期刊论文
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 2024, 卷号: 424, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Liu, Xiaoming
Authors:  Jin YR(靳宇然);  Tan, Ximing;  Peng Q(彭青);  Wang, Jun;  Song JR(宋晶如);  Liu XM(刘小明);  Wei, Yueguang
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Fuel assembly  Nonlinear mechanical model  Seismic analysis  Friction and collision  
Quantized impact of rod on plate 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS, 2024, 卷号: 188, 页码: 21./通讯作者:Liu, Xiaoming
Authors:  Peng Q(彭青);  Liu XM(刘小明);  Wei, YueGuang
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Rod -to -plate impact  Quantized force  Dynamical contact  Wave propagation  Delay differential equation  
微尺度静动摩擦转变行为的机理研究 期刊论文
固体力学学报, 2024, 卷号: 45, 期号: 05, 页码: 576-586./通讯作者:刘小明
Authors:  武鑫;  胡剑桥;  刘小明
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摩擦  原子级光滑界面  分子动力学  界面势能  模型长度