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力幅突变激扰作用的岩石边坡动力敏感性研究 期刊论文
岩土力学, 2013, 卷号: 34, 期号: 6, 页码: 1541-1545+1573
Authors:  王建国;  王振伟
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岩石边坡  力幅突变  激扰作用  动力敏感性  
Ⅲ型加载对Ⅰ型疲劳裂纹扩展速率的影响 期刊论文
工程与试验, 2009, 期号: S1, 页码: 18-23+71
Authors:  王娜;  王建国
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应力强度因子  裂纹  Ⅰ型加载  Ⅲ型加载  疲劳裂纹扩展  
Analysis of critical excavation depth for a jointed rock slope using a face-to-face discrete element method 期刊论文
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2007, 卷号: 40, 期号: 4, 页码: 331-348
Authors:  Li SH(李世海);  Wang JG(王建国);  Liu BS(柳丙善);  Dong DP(董大鹏);  Wang, JG (reprint author), Natl Univ Singapore, Trop Marine Sci Inst, Singapore 119260, Singapore.
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Slope Stability  Discontinuity  Critical Excavation Depth  Face-to-face Dem  Limit Equilibrium Method  Joint Configuration  Stability Analysis  Mechanics  Failure  Turkey  Model  
Effect of Rock Mass Structure and Block Size on the Slope Stability-Physical Modeling and Discrete Element Simulation 期刊论文
Science in China Series E-Engineering & Materials Science, 2005, 卷号: 48, 期号: suppl., 页码: 1-17
Authors:  Li SH(李世海);  Lian ZZ(练振中);  Wang JG(王建国)
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