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一种加载孔预埋件的型钢支撑装置及其施工方法 专利
发明专利. 一种加载孔预埋件的型钢支撑装置及其施工方法, 专利号: CN108532969B, 申请日期: 2018-05-31,
Inventors:  党智勇;  李洪;  周伟;  文秀兵;  张浩;  刘天苹;  蒋永金;  蒋晓蓉;  罗传玲;  彭英;  王扬
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大规模加载孔预埋件精确定位安装技术 期刊论文
施工技术, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 17, 页码: 126-129
Authors:  李洪;  刘天苹;  蒋永金;  蒋晓蓉;  王扬;  罗传玲
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加载孔  预埋件  定位  安装  优化  数值模拟  施工技术  
大型无粘结预应力型钢混凝土反力墙施工技术 期刊论文
施工技术, 2019, 卷号: 48, 期号: 15, 页码: 40-44
Authors:  李洪;  刘天苹;  罗传玲;  蒋永金;  蒋晓蓉;  王扬
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反力墙  型钢混凝土  预应力  建筑信息模型  施工技术  
Mathematics Model of the Question of Micro-pits Image with Direction-uniformity Distribution and Area Scrambling Micro-pits Image Design Methods Based on Regular Graphics Arrangement 会议论文
3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials (MIM 2013), XiShuangBanNa, PEOPLES R CHINA, MAY 18-19, 2013
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬);  Wang, HC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Mech Adv Mfg, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Mathematics Model  Surface Roughness Evaluation  Image Design Methods  Uniformity  
The Micro-pits Image Design Method with Direction-uniformity Distribution Based on Minimum Interval Area Scrambling 会议论文
3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials (MIM 2013), XiShuangBanNa, PEOPLES R CHINA, May 18-19, 2013
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬);  Wang, HC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Mech Adv Mfg, Beijing
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Surface Roughness Evaluation  Image Design Method  Uniformity  
The Evaluation and Numerical Simulation of Uniformity of Surface Roughness 会议论文
3rd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China, July 27-29, 2012
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬)
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The height amplitudes of surface roughness based on area-direction character and relative assessed indexes 会议论文
3rd international Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2012, Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA, MAR 27-29, 2012
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬);  Wang, HC (通讯作者) Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Mechatron Engn, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, Peoples R China.
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Manufacture  Surface Roughness  Area-direction Character  Evaluation  
The image generating algorithms of micro-pits with direction-uniformity distribution of YAG laser texturing roll based on square partial scrambling 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology, AEMT 2012, Zhuhai, China, JUL 06-06, 2012
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬);  Wang HC(王红才)
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Lasers  Surface Roughness  Evaluation  Evaluation Standard  Laser Texturing  Partial Scrambling  Uniformity  Yag Laser  
Key technologies on YAG laser engraving ceramic anilox roll 会议论文
2nd Annual Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011, Yichang, China, SEP 16-18, 2011
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬);  Yang MJ(杨明江)
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Etching  Light Transmission  Technology  Ceramic Anilox Rolls  Flexography  High Repetition  Key Technologies  Laser Cavity  Laser Engraving  Laser Technique  Laser Texturing  Light Pulse  Tow-dimension Controllable Distribution  Yag Laser  
The YAG laser texturing technology and application with controllable disorder distribution 会议论文
2011 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2011, Inner Mongolia, China, JUL 15-17, 2011
Authors:  Wang HC(王红才);  Wang Y(王扬);  Zhan J(占剑);  Yang MJ(杨明江)
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Mechanics  Metal Cleaning  Metal Finishing  Optical Systems  Coating Properties  Controllable Disorder Distribution  Controllable Distribution  Controlling System  Electrodischarges  Gas Systems  Laser Systems  Laser Texturing  Mechanical Systems  Regular Distribution  Shot-blast Texturing  Spots Distribution  Texturing Effect  Yag  Yag Laser