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一种吸气式火箭针栓喷注器及其喷注方法 专利
发明授权.一种吸气式火箭针栓喷注器及其喷注方法, 授权公告号: CN115822815B, 申请日期: 2022-11-29, 授权公告日期: 2024-09-17
Inventors:  袁越明;  吴坤;  赵林英;  范学军;  李腾
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Hypergolic Ignition by Off-Center Binary Collision of Monoethanolamine-NaBH4 and Hydrogen Peroxide Droplets 期刊论文
SYMMETRY-BASEL, 2024, 卷号: 16, 期号: 6, 页码: 15
Authors:  Zhang DW(张大尉);  Song, Siduo;  Yu DH(于德海);  Yuan YM(袁越明);  Liu, Hongmei;  Liu, Xuedong;  Fan XJ(范学军)
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droplet collision  hypergolic ignition  hydrogen peroxide  droplet vaporization  MEA  
Hypergolic ignition induced by head on collision of bi propellant droplets: Monoethanolamine based fuel and hydrogen peroxide 期刊论文
FUEL, 2023, 卷号: 342, 页码: 127788./通讯作者:Zhang, DW (corresponding author), Changzhou Univ, Sch Mech Engn & Rail Transit, Changzhou 213164, Peoples R China., Yu, DH (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab High Temp Gas Dynam, Beijing, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Zhang DW(张大尉);  Yu DH(于德海);  Yuan YM(袁越明);  Zhang, Peng;  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Hypergolic Ignition  Droplet collision  Droplet swelling  Monoethanolamine  Hydrogen peroxide  
气体辅助雾化喷嘴雾化特性实验研究 会议论文
第十四届全国高超声速科技学术会议, 2023-05-04
Authors:  刘畅;  吴坤;  章振宇;  袁越明;  李腾;  张玉峰;  范学军
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气体辅助雾化  OIL喷嘴  雾化特性  SMD  
Experimental study of the spray characteristics of twin-fluid atomization: Focusing on the annular flow regime 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2022, 卷号: 34, 期号: 12, 页码: 21./通讯作者:Wu, Kun
Authors:  Liu C(刘畅);  Wu K(吴坤);  Zhang, Zhenyu;  Yuan YM(袁越明);  Fan XJ(范学军)
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一种一体化喷注器 专利
发明授权.一种一体化喷注器, 授权公告号: CN114000959B, 申请日期: 2021-11-09, 授权公告日期: 2022-11-22
Inventors:  赵林英;  鲁碧为;  袁越明;  范学军
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具有可调环状喷孔的气雾化喷嘴及气雾化调节方法 专利
发明授权.具有可调环状喷孔的气雾化喷嘴及气雾化调节方法, 授权公告号: CN114046536B, 申请日期: 2021-11-01, 授权公告日期: 2022-11-08
Inventors:  刘畅;  吴坤;  袁越明;  范学军
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一种主动冷却发动机燃料切换装置及切换方法 专利
发明授权.一种主动冷却发动机燃料切换装置及切换方法, 授权公告号: CN111980809B, 申请日期: 2020-08-31, 授权公告日期: 2021-07-09
Inventors:  袁越明;  吴坤;  赵林英;  范学军
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一种电加热空气滤芯及低能耗空气高温杀毒灭菌装置 专利
实用新型.一种电加热空气滤芯及低能耗空气高温杀毒灭菌装置, 授权公告号: CN212440461U, 申请日期: 2020-04-17, 授权公告日期: 2021-02-02
Inventors:  范学军;  魏宇杰;  袁越明;  袁涛;  孟令瑾
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Hypergolic ignition modulated by head-on collision, intermixing and convective cooling of binary droplets with varying sizes 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 2019, 卷号: 139, 页码: 475-481./通讯作者:Zhang, Peng
Authors:  Zhang DW;  Yu DH;  Zhang P;  Yuan YM(袁越明);  Yue LJ(岳连捷);  Zhang TC(张泰昌);  Fan XJ(范学军)
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