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Simple shape model for normal shock trains in straight channels 期刊论文
作者:  Yu, Fangyou;  Huang, Tinglong;  Chen, Hao;  Zhang, Qifan;  Yue, Lianjie
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Shock train  Mathematical model  Shock reflection  Isolator  Ramjet engine  
Dynamic interaction patterns of oblique detonation waves with boundary layers in hypersonic reactive flows 期刊论文
COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 2025, 卷号: 271, 页码: 113832./通讯作者:Yang PF
作者:  Sun, Jie;  Yang PF(杨鹏飞);  Chen, Zheng
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2024/12/02
Oblique detonation wave  Boundary layer  Flow separation  Choked flow  
Understanding Degradation and Enhancing Cycling Stability for High-Voltage LiCoO2-Based Li-Metal Batteries 期刊论文
ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, 2024, 页码: 11./通讯作者:Chen, Chunguang, Wei, Yujie, Notten, Peter H. L.
作者:  Wu, Baolin;  Chang ZH(常正华);  Chen, Zhiqiang;  Windmueller, Anna;  Tsai, ChihLong;  Qin, Zhizhen;  Danilov, Dmitri L;  Zhou, Lei;  Daniel, Davis Thomas;  Schaps, Kristian;  Ahmed, Jehad;  Raijmakers, Luc H J;  Yu, Shicheng;  Tempel, Hermann;  Granwehr, Josef;  Chen CG(陈春光);  Wei YJ(魏宇杰);  Eichel, RuedigerA;  Notten, Peter H L
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electrolyte optimization  high energy, high voltage Li-metal batteries  Li-dendrites suppression  surface modification  
空间在轨氢氧内燃机直喷模式缸内燃烧特性研究 期刊论文
内燃机工程, 2024, 卷号: 45, 期号: 06, 页码: 20-30./通讯作者:骆洪亮
作者:  刘龙;  李航;  楚为盛;  骆洪亮;  连欢;  郭冬妮;  陈泽彬;  李华杰
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空间在轨  氢氧燃烧  内燃机  直喷射流  燃烧控制  
Revealing the low-temperature friction behavior and mechanisms of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films with Al/Cr/Si doping 期刊论文
TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 2024, 卷号: 198, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Xu, Yi, Ma, Tianbao
作者:  Ma, Quansheng;  Huang, Chengjun;  Cai, Wei;  Zhang, Jiaxu;  Chen, Weiqi;  Jin, Jie;  Xia Y(夏原);  Xu Y(许亿);  Ma, Tianbao
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Diamond -like carbon  Low-temperature friction  Superlubricity  Element doping  
Flow and Heat Transfer Research in Space & Two-phase System Experiment Platform on Aboard China Space Station 会议论文
75th International Astronautical Congress (2024), 米兰, 2024.10.13-20
作者:  Liu QS(刘秋生);  Tao YQ(陶跃群);  He NF(何乃峰);  Jie JC(解京昌);  Zhu ZQ(朱志强);  Xue J;  Li C;  Wang L;  He YF;  Liu GN
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Experimental Investigation of Evaporation in Two Phase System Rack aboard Chinese Space Station 会议论文
75th International Astronautical Congress (2024), 米兰, 2024.10.13-20
作者:  Tao YQ(陶跃群);  Liu QS(刘秋生);  He NF(何乃峰);  Xu QX(徐清玄);  Jie JC(解京昌);  Zhang XJ;  Xue J;  Li C;  Wang L;  He YF;  Liu GN
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Flow and Heat Transfer Research in Space & Two-phase System Experiment Platform on Aboard China Space Station 会议论文
75th International Astronautical Congress (2024), 米兰, 2024.10.13-20
作者:  Liu QS(刘秋生);  Tao YQ(陶跃群);  He NF(何乃峰);  Jie JC(解京昌);  Zhu ZQ(朱志强);  Xue J;  Li C;  Wang L;  He YF;  Liu GN
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Theoretical analysis on detonation initiation induced by thermal nonuniformity in a supersonic flow 期刊论文
PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, 2024, 卷号: 9, 期号: 10, 页码: 103201./通讯作者:Chen Z
作者:  Yu DH(于德海);  Yang PF(杨鹏飞);  Yue LJ(岳连捷);  Chen, Zheng
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Accelerating three-dimensional phase-field simulations via deep learning approaches 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2024, 卷号: 59, 期号: 33, 页码: 15727-15737./通讯作者:Wu, Honghui, Xiong, Jie, Zhu, Jiaming
作者:  Zhou, Xuewei;  Sun, Sheng;  Cai SL(蔡松林);  Chen, Gongyu;  Wu, Honghui;  Xiong, Jie;  Zhu, Jiaming
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2024/10/08