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Nonprobabilistic uncertain model updating and optimization design of thermal protection system 期刊论文
APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 2020, 卷号: 180, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Wang, Xiaojun, Wang, Ruixing
Authors:  Jiang WT;  Wang XJ;  Wang RX(王睿星);  Shi QH;  Zhu JJ
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Thermal protection system  Nonprobabilistic optimization  Sensitivity analysis  Uncertainty analysis  Model updating  
Plasma Assisted Low Temperature Combustion 会议论文
22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 22), Antwerp, BELGIUM, JUL 05-10, 2015
Authors:  Ju YG;  Lefkowitz JK;  Reuter CB;  Won SH;  Yang XL;  Yang S;  Sun WT;  Jiang ZL(姜宗林);  Chen Q;  Ju, YG (reprint author), Princeton Univ, Dept Mech & Aerosp Engn, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA.
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Plasma Assisted Combustion  Low Temperature Chemistry  Kinetics  Cool Flames  S-curve Transition  Nonequilibrium Plasma  Saturated-hydrocarbons  Diffusion Flames  Pulsed Discharge  Ignition  Mixtures  Oxidation  Kinetics  Enhancement  
Plasma Assisted Low Temperature Combustion 期刊论文
PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING, 2016, 卷号: 36, 期号: 1, 页码: 85-105
Authors:  Ju YG;  Lefkowitz JK;  Reuter CB;  Won SH;  Yang XL;  Yang S;  Sun WT;  Jiang ZL(姜宗林);  Chen Q;  Ju, YG (reprint author), Princeton Univ, Dept Mech & Aerosp Engn, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA.
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Plasma Assisted Combustion  Low Temperature Chemistry  Kinetics  Cool Flames  
Effect of nanoparticle size on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerant/oil mixture with nanoparticles 期刊论文
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 卷号: 54, 期号: 9-10, 页码: 1839-1850
Authors:  Peng H(彭浩);  Ding GL(丁国良);  Hu HT(胡海涛);  Jiang WT;  Ding, GL (reprint author), Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Inst Refrigerat & Cryogen, 800 Dongchuan Rd, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China
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Nanoparticle Size  Nucleate Boiling  Refrigerant  Oil  Correlation  Thermal-conductivity  Nanofluids  Surface  Particles  Fluids