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What role would the pores related to brittle minerals play in the process of oil migration and oil & water two-phase imbibition? 期刊论文
ENERGY REPORTS, 2020, 卷号: 6, 页码: 1213-1223./通讯作者:Du, SH
Authors:  Shi GX;  Kou G;  Du SH(杜书恒);  Wei Y;  Zhou W;  Zhou B;  Li Q;  Wang B;  Guo HY;  Lou QX;  Li T
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Brittle minerals  Shale oil  Imbibition  Migration  Pore characterization  
Significance of the secondary pores in perthite for oil storage and flow in tight sandstone reservoir 期刊论文
MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 110, 页码: 178-188./通讯作者:Du, SH
Authors:  Du SH(杜书恒);  Zhao YP(赵亚溥);  Jin J;  Kou G;  Shi YM;  Huang XF(黄先富)
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Perthite  Tight sandstone  K-feldspar  Na-feldspar  Unconventional oil reservoir  
Anisotropy characteristics of element composition in Upper Triassic "Chang 8" shale in Jiyuan district of Ordos Basin, China: Microscopic evidence for the existence of predominant fracture zone 期刊论文
FUEL, 2019, 卷号: 253, 页码: 685-690./通讯作者:Du SH(杜书恒)
Authors:  Du SH(杜书恒);  Xu F;  Taskyn A;  Zhou B;  Kou G;  Shi YM
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Shale  Anisotropy  Element composition  Predominant fracture zone  
Imaging-Based Characterization of Perthite in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation Tight Sandstone of the Ordos Basin, China 期刊论文
ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, 2019, 卷号: 93, 期号: 2, 页码: 373-385
Authors:  Du SH(杜书恒);  Shi GX;  Yue XJ;  Kou G;  Zhou B;  Shi YM
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petrography  perthite  element distribution  EDS  FE-SEM  image processing  Yanchang Formation  Late Triassic  Ordos Basin  
Numerical simulation of the fracture process in ceramic FPD frameworks caused by oblique loading 期刊论文
Authors:  Kou W;  Qiao JY(乔继延);  Chen L(陈力);  Ding YS(丁雁生);  Sjogren G;  Sjogren, G (reprint author), Umea Univ, Fac Med, Dent Mat Sci, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden.
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Finite Element Analysis  Fixed Partial Denture  Fracture Process  Numerical Simulation  Oblique Loading  
A 3D numerical simulation of stress distribution and fracture process in a zirconia-based FPD framework 期刊论文
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 2011, 卷号: 96B, 期号: 2, 页码: 376-385
Authors:  Kou W;  Li DC(李德聪);  Qiao JY(乔继延);  Chen L(陈力);  Ding YS(丁雁生);  Sjogren G;  Kou, W (reprint author), Umea Univ, Fac Med, Dept Dent Mat Sci, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden
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Ceramics  Finite Element Analysis  Fixed Partial Denture  Fracture Process  Numerical Simulation  Fixed Partial Dentures  Partially-stabilized Zirconia  Finite-element-analysis  Dental Ceramics  Resistance  Strength  Crown  Toughness  Behavior  Failure  
一维水激波管计算 期刊论文
力学学报, 1965, 卷号: 8, 期号: 3, 页码: 211-220
Authors:  刘良吉;  俞善炳;  孙庚辰;  寇绍全
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水激波管  定压边界  空化区  稀疏波  自由表面  物态方程  接触面  间断面  有效数字位数