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Exponential relaxation of the energy and desorption dynamics of atoms colliding with a surface 期刊论文
PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2024, 卷号: 99, 期号: 3, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Liu, Chong, Fan, Jing
Authors:  Ceng DD(曾丹丹);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Liu C(刘崇);  Fan J(樊菁)
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atom-surface interaction  energy relaxation  residence time  molecular dynamics  
Simulation and experimental study on cold sprayed W-Cu composite with high retainability of W using core-shell powder 期刊论文
SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 卷号: 466, 页码: 129639./通讯作者:Zhou, ZJ (corresponding author), Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Deng, Nan;  Qu DD(屈丹丹);  Zhang K(张坤);  Liu GL(刘国亮);  Li, Shaofu;  Zhou, Zhangjian
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Core -shell powder  W -cu composite  Cold spray  Three-dimensional finite element model  
Experimental Investigation of Dropwise Condensation Shedding by Shearing Airflow in Microgravity Using Different Surface Coatings 期刊论文
LANGMUIR, 2023./通讯作者:Amirfazli, M (corresponding author), York Univ, Dept Mech Engn, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada.
Authors:  Bonab, MiladShakeri;  Minetti, Christoph;  Iorio, CarloSaverio;  Zhao DD(赵栋栋);  Liu QS(刘秋生);  Ou, Junfei;  Kempers, Roger;  Amirfazli, Alidad
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Three-dimensional printed metal-nested composite fuel grains with superior mechanical and combustion properties 期刊论文
VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL PROTOTYPING, 2022, 卷号: 17, 期号: 3, 页码: 437-450./通讯作者:Qu, DD, Wang, ZZ
Authors:  Lin X(林鑫);  Qu DD(屈丹丹);  Chen XD(陈雪冬);  Wang ZZ(王泽众);  Luo JX(罗家枭);  Meng DD(孟东东);  Liu GL(刘国亮);  Zhang K(张坤);  Li F(李飞);  Yu XL(余西龙)
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Hybrid rocket engine  additive manufacturing  metal-nested composite fuel grain  mechanical properties  combustion properties  optical emission spectroscopy  
Evaporation progress of macroscopic-scale droplets on heated substrates 会议论文
International Symposium «Nonequilibrium Processes in Continuous Media» (PHD-Symposium 2021), Perm, Russia, 14/09/2021 - 18/09/2021
Authors:  Zhu ZQ(朱志强);  Zhao DD(赵栋栋);  Liu QS(刘秋生);  Qin J(秦军);  Tao YQ(陶跃群);  He NF(何乃峰);  Xu YX(徐永香)
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Effect of dislocation configuration on Ag segregation in subgrain boundary of a Mg-Ag alloy 期刊论文
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2021, 卷号: 191, 页码: 219-224./通讯作者:Zhou, Hao, Zhu, Yuntian
Authors:  Xiao R;  Chen XF(陈雪飞);  Wei K;  Liu Y;  Yin DD;  Hu ZH;  Zhou H;  Zhu YT
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Interfacial segregation  Nanocrystallization  Sub-grain boundary  HAADF-STEM  Mg alloy  
Langevin dynamics with energy dissipation on periodic lattice structures modeling as an equivalent two-body method for atom-surface interactions 期刊论文
MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 2019, 卷号: 6, 期号: 12, 页码: 125507./通讯作者:Liu, C, Fan, J (reprint author)
Authors:  Zeng DD(曾丹丹);  Liu C(刘崇);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Fan J(樊菁)
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atom-surface interactions  trapping probability  scattering angle  residence time  dissipating parameters  energy accommodation coefficients  
Temperature triggered stoichiometry-dependent desorption from the growth interface of nanofilm 期刊论文
Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 卷号: 124, 期号: 23, 页码: ID235306
Authors:  Liu C(刘崇);  Wang LH(王连红);  Zheng YT;  Zeng DD(曾丹丹);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Fan J(樊菁)
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Case study: The effect of running distance on the microstructure and properties of railroad axle bearings 期刊论文
WEAR, 2018, 卷号: 394, 页码: 159-165
Authors:  Guo RB;  Lei XQ(雷现奇);  Zhang DD;  Liu ZM;  Wang X;  Wei YJ(魏宇杰)
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Bearing steel  Fracture toughness  Gradient structure  Grain refinement  
A numerical study on dynamic shear rupture along frictional faults 期刊论文
Authors:  Xu DD;  Liu ZL;  Liu XM(刘小明);  Zhuang Z;  Zhuang, Z (reprint author), Tsinghua Univ, Sch Aerosp Engn, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China.
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Earthquake  Dynamic Shear Rupture  Frictional Fault  Straight And Branched Faults  Finite Element Method