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Location of the critical slip surface based on monitoring data and genetic algorithm 期刊论文
PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2024, 卷号: 99, 期号: 6, 页码: 17./通讯作者:Liu, Xiaoyu
Authors:  Fan ZY(樊智勇);  Lu XB(鲁晓兵);  Zhao Y(赵颖);  Liu TP(刘天苹);  Liu XY(刘晓宇)
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slope stability  non-circular search  critical slip surface  subsurface displacement  k-means clustering algorithm  genetic algorithm  
Kinematic waves and collision effects in dense fluid-particle flow during hydraulic conveying 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 2024, 卷号: 170, 页码: 14./通讯作者:张旭辉
Authors:  Zhang Y(张岩);  Liu, Yang;  Ren WL(任万龙);  Li P(李鹏);  Zhang XH(张旭辉);  Lu XB(鲁晓兵)
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Fluid-particle two-phase flow  Particle-laden flow  Kinematic waves  Hydraulic conveying  CFD-DEM  
深海天然气水合物机械-热联合开采方法研究综述 期刊论文
力学学报, 2022, 卷号: 54, 期号: 08, 页码: 2269-2286
Authors:  李鹏;  张旭辉;  刘乐乐;  张岩;  鲁晓兵;  李清平;  何玉发
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天然气水合物  机械-热联合  分解模型  多相流动  地层安全  
Experimental Study on the Shear Band of Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediment 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2021, 卷号: 9, 期号: 11, 页码: 16./通讯作者:Zhang, Xuhui
Authors:  Lu XB(鲁晓兵);  Zhang XH(张旭辉);  Sun FF(孙芳芳);  Wang SY(王淑云);  Liu LL(刘乐乐);  Liu, Changling
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hydrate-bearing sediment  shear band  hydrate saturation  triaxial compression  CT scanning  
Dynamic constitutive relationship of CuCrZr alloy based on Johnson-Cook model 期刊论文
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, 2020, 卷号: 24, 页码: 7./通讯作者:Song, Yuntao
Authors:  Qian XY;  Peng XB;  Song YT;  Huang JJ;  Wei YP(魏延鹏);  Liu P;  Mao Xn;  Zhang JW;  Wang L
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CuCrZr alloy  Johnson-Cook model  Dynamic compressive behavior  Plasma facing components  
Experimental investigation on water adsorption and desorption isotherms of the Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin, China 期刊论文
Scientific Reports, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 1, 页码: 13434./通讯作者:li xz, shen wj
Authors:  Ma XH;  Shen WJ(沈伟军);  Li XZ;  Hu Y;  Liu XH;  Lu XB(鲁晓兵)
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Investigation of flow model and flow behavior in typical fractured-vuggy structure of carbonate reservoirs 会议论文
4th International Workshop on Renewable Energy and Development (IWRED), ELECTR NETWORK, APR 24-26, 2020
Authors:  Li XB;  Yang M;  Li Q;  Liu YW(刘曰武)
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一种岩土试样氨气饱和实验方法 专利
发明专利. 一种岩土试样氨气饱和实验方法, 专利号: ZL201710607311.8, 申请日期: 2017-07-24, 授权日期: 2020-03-31
Inventors:  罗大双;  张旭辉;  鲁晓兵;  赵京;  刘乐乐;  刘昌岭
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Experimental and numerical simulation of water adsorption and diffusion in shale gas reservoir rocks 期刊论文
Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 卷号: 3, 期号: 2, 页码: 165-174
Authors:  Shen WJ(沈伟军);  Li XZ;  Cihan Abdullah;  Lu XB(鲁晓兵));  Liu XH
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页岩气开采中的若干力学前沿问题 期刊论文
力学进展, 2019, 卷号: 49, 期号: 00, 页码: 1-236
Authors:  刘曰武;  高大鹏;  李奇;  万义钊;  段文杰;  曾霞光;  李明耀;  苏业旺;  范永波;  李世海;  鲁晓兵;  周东;  陈伟民;  傅一钦;  姜春晖;  侯绍继;  潘利生;  魏小林;  胡志明;  端祥刚;  高树生;  沈瑞;  常进;  李晓雁;  柳占立;  魏宇杰;  郑哲敏
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页岩气  压裂  力学性质  数值模拟  监测技术  渗流