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Effect of Rolling Temperature on the Structural Refinement and Mechanical Properties of Dual-Phase Heterostructured Low-Carbon Steel 期刊论文
METALS, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1, 页码: 11./通讯作者:Gao, Bo, Xiao, Lirong
Authors:  Xu,Tao;  Pan,Zhiyi;  Gao,Bo;  Huang,Jiaxi;  Chen XF(陈雪飞);  Liu,Yi;  Xiao,Lirong;  Zhou,Hao
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heterostructure  dual-phase steel  warm rolling  interstitial atoms  high strength  
Strengthening and ductilization of laminate dual-phase steels with high martensite content 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 卷号: 65, 页码: 29-37./通讯作者:Lai, Qingquan, Zhou, Hao
Authors:  Gao, Bo;  Hu, Rong;  Pan, Zhiyi;  Chen XF(陈雪飞);  Liu, Yi;  Xiao, Lirong;  Cao, Yang;  Li, Yusheng;  Lai, Qingquan;  Zhou, Hao
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Dual phase steel  Warm rolling  Laminate structure  Bauschinger effect  HDI stress