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Effective dynamic properties of random nanoporous materials with consideration of surface effects 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA, 2015, 卷号: 226, 期号: 4, 页码: 1201-1212
Authors:  Qiang FW;  Wei PJ(魏培君);  Wei, PJ (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Surface effects on the wave propagation in composites with random dispersive parallel cylindrical nanofibers 期刊论文
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 2015, 卷号: 67, 期号: 5, 页码: 355-370
Authors:  Kong Z;  Qiang FW;  Wei PJ(魏培君);  Tang QH(汤奇恒);  Kong, Z (reprint author), Univ Sci & Technol Beijing, Dept Appl Mech, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China.
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Multiple Scattering  Effective Speed  Effective Moduli  Nanofiber  Surface Stress