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Defect-induced cracking and fine granular characteristics in very-high-cycle fatigue of laser powder bed fusion AlSi10Mg alloy 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, 2022, 卷号: 158, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Sun, Jingyu, Qian, Guian
Authors:  Li JH(李江华);  Sun JY(孙经雨);  Qian GA(钱桂安);  Shi LT
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Laser powder bed fusion  Very-high-cycle fatigue  Defect-induced crack  Grain refinement  Misorientation  
Oscillation flow induced by underwater supersonic gas jets 期刊论文
Shock Waves, 2010, 卷号: 20, 期号: 4, 页码: 347-352
Authors:  Shi HH(施红辉);  Guo QA;  Wang C(王超);  Dong RL;  Zhang LT;  Jia HX;  Wang XG;  Wang BY(王柏懿);  Shi HH
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Underwater Supersonic Gas Jet  Jet Expansion Feedback  Jet Bulge  High-speed Photography  Water  Injection  Liquid