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Experimental investigation of a hypersonic I-shaped configuration with a waverider compression surface 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2020, 卷号: 63, 期号: 5, 页码: 3./通讯作者:Li, GuangLi
Authors:  Li GL(李广利);  Cui K(崔凯);  Xu YZ(徐应洲);  Wang HX(王浩祥);  Yang J(杨靖);  Xu XG(许先贵)
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New progress and development of engineering blasting in China 会议论文
9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, FRAGBLAST 9, Granada, Spain, September 13, 2009 - September 17, 2009
Authors:  Wang XG;  Liu DS;  Zhou JH;  Wang, X.G.
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Adjacent Structures  Blasting Parameters  Collapsed Structures  Demolition Projects  Dust Pollution  Explosion Temperature  Fenghuo Shan Tunnel  Geological Conditions  High Quality  High Temperature  Hydropower Projects  Major Construction Project  Overexcavation  Power Station  Production Techniques  Qinghai Tibet Railway  Rock Excavation  Smooth Blasting  Soil Environment  Underground Plants  Underground Powerhouse  Water Conservancy  Weir Structure