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Enhancing the Scratch Resistance by Introducing Chemical Bonding in Highly Stretchable and Transparent Electrodes 期刊论文
NANO LETTERS, 2016, 卷号: 16, 期号: 1, 页码: 594-600
作者:  Guo CF;  Chen Y(陈艳);  Tang L;  Wang F;  Ren ZF;  Ren, ZF (reprint author), Univ Houston, Dept Phys, 3201 Cullen Blvd, Houston, TX 77204 USA.
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Scratch Resistance  Au-s Bond  Stretchability  Localized Rupture  Stretchable Transparent Electrodes  
中国塑性力学的开拓者--李敏华院士 期刊论文
力学与实践, 2015, 卷号: 37, 期号: 2, 页码: 265-269
作者:  毛天祥;  王柏懿
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李敏华  传略  塑性力学  低周疲劳  发动机涡轮轴  
Numerical simulation of geostress and support of roadway crossing strata in complex stress condition 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, ICSBM 2012, Hangzhou, China, MAR 09-11, 2012
作者:  Wang TX;  Li LY;  Zheng WH(郑文海);  Liu Y;  Hou T;  Qu HY;  Wang Tongxu
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Building Materials  Civil Engineering  Coal Deposits  Coal Mines  Lie Groups  Roof Coverings  Coal Seams  Complex Stress  Complex Stress Condition  Geo-stress  Mining Areas  Numerical Simulation Software  Research Methods  Roof Structure Detection  Roof Structures  Stability Classification  Stress Variations  Surrounding Rock  Video Detection  Working Face  Zone Charts  
Numerical simulation of regional stress field under complex geological condition 会议论文
2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, ICCET 2011, Jinan, China, OCT 14-16, 2011
作者:  Wang TX;  Zheng WH(郑文海);  Liang SJ;  Wang Tongxu
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Civil Engineering  Coal Deposits  Lithology  Regression Analysis  Statistics  Stratigraphy  Coal Seams  Complex Geological Condition  Complex Structure  Engineering Applications  Fault Types  Geo-stress Field  Geological Structures  Ground Surfaces  Layer Thickness  Measured Data  Measured Points  Numerical Stimulations  Principal Stress  Regional Stress Field  Regional Structure  Stress Magnitude  Surface Fluctuation  
Fabrication of Novel Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Water Droplet Bouncing Behavior - Part 1: Stable ZnO-PDMS Superhydrophobic Surface with Low Hysteresis Constructed Using ZnO Nanoparticles 期刊论文
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2010, 卷号: 24, 期号: 15-16, 页码: 2693-2705
作者:  Wang BB(王斌斌);  Feng JT(冯江涛);  Zhao YP(赵亚溥);  Yu TX;  Zhao YP
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Superhydrophobic Surface  Contact Angle Hysteresis  Zno  Pdms  Surface Modifications  Line Tension  States  Resistance  Systems  Films  Size  
界面剪切实验研究 期刊论文
力学学报, 1994, 期号: 06, 页码: 711-718
作者:  韩金虎;  毛天祥;  王自强
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云纹干涉法  界面  剪应变  位移场