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Accurate measurement of Soret coefficients in binary hydrocarbons mixtures based on composite methods 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 2024, 卷号: 1735, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Zhao, Renbao
Authors:  Zhao, Renbao;  Wang, Jiaying;  Xu, Haotian;  Wang, Jinming;  Cui, Yifang;  Yao, Quan;  Xu SH(徐升华);  Liu, Jiyang
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Soret coefficient  Thermolsolutal convection  Binary system  Porous media  Component distribution  
Wavelength-tunable photoluminescence of CsPbBr3 microcrystal via in situ halogen doping 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2024, 卷号: 999, 页码: 6./通讯作者:Zou, Shuangyang, Xu, Shenghua
Authors:  Zou SY(邹双阳);  欧阳文泽;  Zhou HW(周宏伟);  Xu SH(徐升华)
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Lead halide perovskite  Microcrystal  Photoluminescence  Anion doping  Optoelectronics  
The Control of the Expansion or Compression of Colloidal Crystals Lattice with Salt Solution 期刊论文
NANOMATERIALS, 2024, 卷号: 14, 期号: 4, 页码: 11./通讯作者:Xu, Shenghua
Authors:  Zhou HW(周宏伟);  欧阳文泽;  Zou SY(邹双阳);  Xu SH(徐升华)
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colloidal crystals  lattice spacing  diffusiophoresis  diffusioosmosis  
A new method for measuring fast aggregation rate based on the growth of the colloidal aggregate size 期刊论文
COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS, 2024, 卷号: 58, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Xu, Shenghua, Zhou, Hongwei
Authors:  Zhao XA(赵小安);  Xu SH(徐升华);  Zhou HW(周宏伟)
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Colloidal aggregation rate  Homoaggregation  Heteroaggregation  Dynamic light scattering  Turbidity measurement  
Computer modeling of thermotransport in a uniform binary liquid solution with equimolar n-alkane mixtures 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2023, 卷号: 35, 期号: 11, 页码: 10
Authors:  Zhong, Jun;  Xu SH(徐升华)
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Template-induced crystallization of charged colloids: a molecular dynamics study 期刊论文
SOFT MATTER, 2023./通讯作者:Ouyang, WZ, Xu, SH (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Micrograv, Beijing, Peoples R China., Xu, SH (corresponding author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Engn Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
Authors:  欧阳文泽;  Zou SY(邹双阳);  Zhong, Jun;  Xu SH(徐升华)
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Shape optimization of a meniscus-adherent nanotip 期刊论文
NANOSCALE, 2023, 卷号: 15, 期号: 26, 页码: 11099-11106./通讯作者:Yuan, QZ (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China., Yuan, QZ (corresponding author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Engn Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Tian SH(田诗豪);  Chen XD(陈旭东);  Yuan QZ(袁泉子)
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一种地基周期性倾斜轨道低重力环境模拟设施 专利
发明专利. 一种地基周期性倾斜轨道低重力环境模拟设施, 专利号: 2021103334907,
Inventors:  康琦;  段俐;  王育人;  徐升华;  王双峰;  李凯;  赵建福;  戴国亮;  姜恒;  牛宇;  章楚;  贺建武
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Light Amplification in Fe-Doped CsPbBr3 Crystal Microwire Excited by Continuous-Wave Laser 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2023, 卷号: 14, 期号: 20, 页码: 4815-4821./通讯作者:Zou, Shuangyang, Xu, Shenghua
Authors:  Zou SY(邹双阳);  Zhao XA(赵小安);  Lyu, Jing;  欧阳文泽;  Liu, Ruibin;  Xu SH(徐升华)
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带电微粒在滤膜附近的定向运动 期刊论文
物理学报, 2023, 卷号: 72, 期号: 03, 页码: 344-352./通讯作者:Xu SH
Authors:  周宏伟;  欧阳文泽;  徐升华
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带电微粒  滤膜  扩散泳  定向运动