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Improving the energy performance of vortex pump based on whale optimization algorithm 期刊论文
Authors:  Zhou, Peijian;  Wen, Zaipeng;  Wang, Yang;  Wu, Yanzhao;  Wu, Denghao;  Huang RF(黄仁芳);  Yao, Zhifeng
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Vortex pump  optimization design  whale optimization algorithm  entropy production theory  rigid vorticity  
Enhancing ammonia decomposition for hydrogen production via optimization of interface effects and acidic site in supported cobalt-nickel alloy catalysts 期刊论文
SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2025, 卷号: 360, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Dou, Baojuan, Bin, Feng
Authors:  Zhao, Zitong;  Liu, Zimu;  Li, Mingtai;  Yang, Yulong;  Deng, Linlin;  Zhao, Yang;  Dou, Baojuan;  Bin F(宾峰)
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Ammonia decomposition  Hydrogen production  Cobalt-nickel alloy catalysts  Interface effects  Lewis acid sites  
Integrating dynamic relaxation with inelastic deformation in metallic glasses: Theoretical insights and experimental validation 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2025, 卷号: 218, 页码: 135-152./通讯作者:Lyu, Guo-Jian, Qiao, J. C.
Authors:  Xing, GH;  Hao, Q;  Lyu, GuoJian;  Zhu, F;  Wang YJ(王云江);  Yang, Y;  Pineda, E;  Qiao, JC
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Metallic glass  Stress relaxation  Creep  Dynamic relaxation  Quasi-point defect model  
Inverse multi-parameter analysis of oblique incidence laser interaction based on a multivariate thermal-mechanical response 期刊论文
THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES, 2025, 卷号: 210, 页码: 16./通讯作者:Lu, Lingling
Authors:  Du WQ(杜文琦);  Ma T(马特);  Lu LL(路玲玲);  Song HW(宋宏伟);  Liu YH(刘赟浩);  Yang, Lekai;  Huang CG(黄晨光)
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Laser identification  Multi-parameter inverse problem solution  Oblique incidence  Multivariate thermal-mechanical response  Physics-guided neural network  
Superior tensile properties induced by triple-level heterogeneous structures in the CoNiV-based medium-entropy alloy 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2025, 卷号: 214, 页码: 245-254./通讯作者:Ma, Yan, Yuan, Fuping
Authors:  Xu LK(徐璐珂);  Ma Y(马彦);  Zhang ZH(张子晗);  Yang MX(杨沐鑫);  Jiang P(姜萍);  Zhu, Yuntian;  Wu XL(武晓雷);  Yuan FP(袁福平)
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Medium-entropy alloy  Hetero-structures  Precipitation hardening  Hetero-deformation-induced hardening  Chemical short-range ordering  
Development and application of a 3D GPU-parallelized CDEM for blasting induced rock fractures 期刊论文
SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, 2025, 卷号: 140, 页码: 27./通讯作者:Yang, Liyun, Feng, Chun
Authors:  Hu HN(胡桓宁);  Yang, Liyun;  Feng C(冯春);  Huang, Junguang;  Zhu XG(朱心广)
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CDEM  CUDA C/C plus plus  Rock  Blasting  GPU  Parallel computation  
Assessment of thermochemical models on nonequilibrium flowfield and radiation in shock-heated nitrogen 期刊论文
COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2025, 卷号: 289, 页码: 17./通讯作者:Hong, Qizhen, Sun, Quanhua
Authors:  Zhang YZ(张宇哲);  Hong QZ(洪启臻);  Wang XY(王小永);  Yang, Chao;  Sun QH(孙泉华)
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High enthalpy flow  Thermochemical nonequilibrium model  Vibration-dissociation coupling  Nonequilibrium radiative metric  
Mechanical anisotropy in additively manufactured laminated high-entropy alloys: The role of interface geometry 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2025, 卷号: 210, 页码: 72-85./通讯作者:zhang k, wei bc
Authors:  Bai YJ(白云建);  Yang C(杨成);  Liu ZS(刘子尚);  Jiang QY(姜泉宇);  Wang YJ(王云江);  Zhang K(张坤);  Liu YZ(刘一哲);  Li YD(李亚东);  Wei BC(魏炳忱)
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Laminated HEAs  Additive manufacturing  Anisotropy  Interface orientation  
Deciphering the α relaxation and the anelastic-to-plastic transition in the deep glassy state 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2025, 卷号: 68, 期号: 3, 页码: 8./通讯作者:Qiao, Jichao
Authors:  Hao, Qi;  Xing, Guanghui;  Pineda, Eloi;  Fusco, Claudio;  Chazeau, Laurent;  Pelletier, JeanMarc;  Wang YJ(王云江);  Yang, Yong;  Qiao, Jichao
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dynamic relaxation  nonelastic deformation  metallic glasses  aging  
Study of oblique impingement of water droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces patterned with micropillars: A lattice Boltzmann approach 期刊论文
APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 2025, 卷号: 262, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Luo, Kai H.
Authors:  Wang G(王耿);  Sohani, Sara Mesgari;  Yang, Junyu;  Lei, Timan;  Chen, Jin;  He, Ruitian;  Luo, KH
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Lattice Boltzmann method  Droplet dynamics  Superhydrophobic surfaces Bouncing