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Numerical Simulation of Fluid Transport along Parallel Vanes for Vane Type Propellant Tanks 期刊论文
MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 卷号: 32, 期号: 2, 页码: 129-138./通讯作者:Zhuang, Baotang
Authors:  Zhuang BT;  Li Y;  Liu JT;  Rui W(芮伟)
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Microgravity  Vane type tank  Fluid flow  Propellant management  Surface tension driven flow  
Analysis of the influence of the vane width on the fluid transmission performance in the vane-type tank 会议论文
International Conference on Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering (EPME2019), Guangzhou, China, 20-22 December 2019
Authors:  Zhuang BT(庄宝唐);  Li Y;  Pan HL;  Rui W
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