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Tailoring the Atomic-Local Environment of Carbon Nanotube Tips for Selective H2O2 Electrosynthesis at High Current Densities 期刊论文
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2023, 页码: 11./通讯作者:Mao, Baoguang, Liu, Feng, Hu, Chuangang
Authors:  Long, Yongde;  Lin JG(林金国);  Ye, Fenghui;  Liu, Wei;  Wang, Dan;  Cheng, Qingqing;  Paul, Rajib;  Cheng, Daojian;  Mao, Baoguang;  Yan, Riqing;  Zhao, Linjie;  Liu, Dong;  Liu F(刘峰);  Hu, Chuangang
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carbon nanotubes  electrocatalysis  hydrogen peroxide  pure H2O2 solution production  tip atomic environment