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Propensities of crack interior initiation and early growth for very-high-cycle fatigue of high strength steels 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, 2014, 卷号: 58, 页码: 144-151
Authors:  Hong YS(洪友士);  Lei ZQ(雷铮强);  Sun CQ(孙成奇);  Zhao AG(赵爱国);  Hong, YS (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Very-high-cycle Fatigue  Fatigue Life  Fga  Crack Extension Rate  High Strength Steels  
Effect Of Water On Brittle Fracture Of Sio2 By Molecular Dynamics Study 期刊论文
Computational Materials Science, 2009, 页码: 429-433
Authors:  Tang QH(汤奇恒);  Tang QH
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Molecular Dynamics Simulation  Crack Extension  Griffith Theory  Sio2  Water  Silicon Monocrystals  Nano-indentation  Vitreous Silica  Simulation  Quartz  Deformation  Systems  Stress  
Investigation Of Mode Ii Crack Growth Following A Very High Speed Impact 期刊论文
Journal of Mechanics of Materials And Structures, 2008, 卷号: 3, 期号: 2, 页码: 271-290
Authors:  Ma W(马维);  Duan ZP(段祝平);  Ma, W (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, 15 Beisihuanxi Rd, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Plate Impact Tests  Dynamic Fracture  Failure Mode Transition  Intersonic Crack Extension  Discontinuous Crack Growth Model  Dynamic Fracture  Propagation  Transitions  Initiation  Plate  
Discontinuous growth mechanisms of mode II crack under high-speed impact conditions 会议论文
International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure/International Conference on Failure Analysis and Maintenance Technologies, Perth, AUSTRALIA, JUL 09-11, 2008
Authors:  Ma W(马维);  Ma W
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Plate Impact Tests  Dynamic Fracture  Failure Mode Transition  Intersonic Crack Extension  Discontinuous Crack Growth Model  Dynamic Fracture  Shear  Transitions  
颗粒增强铝基复合材料冲击疲劳裂纹扩展的行为和机理 学位论文
博士论文,北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2000
Authors:  董雁瑾
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颗粒增强铝基复合材料  基体材料  冲击疲劳  常规疲劳  裂纹扩展  速率  加载速率  履带板  Particulate-reinforced Al Composites  Matrix  Impact Fatigue (Repeated Impulsive Loading)  Sine Fatigue (Cyclic Loading)  The Crack Extension Rate  Loading Rate