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Methane Diffusion and Adsorption in Shale Rocks: A Numerical Study Using the Dusty Gas Model in TOUGH2/EOS7C-ECBM 会议论文
Transport of Unsaturated Groundwater and Heat (TOUGH) Symposium, Berkeley, CA, SEP 28-30, 2015
Authors:  Shen WJ(沈伟军);  Zheng LG;  Oldenburg CM;  Cihan A;  Wan JM;  Tokunaga TK
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Shale gas reservoirs  Methane diffusion  Adsorption  Dusty gas model  TOUGH2  
Methane Diffusion and Adsorption in Shale Rocks: A Numerical Study Using the Dusty Gas Model in TOUGH2/EOS7C-ECBM 期刊论文
Transport in Porous Media, 2018, 卷号: 123, 期号: 3, 页码: 521-531
Authors:  Shen WJ(沈伟军);  Zheng LG;  Oldenburg CM;  Cihan A;  Wan JM;  Tokunaga TK
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Shale Gas Reservoirs  Methane Diffusion  Adsorption  Dusty Gas Model  Tough2  
Two-way coupling model for shock-induced laminar boundary-layer flows of a dusty gas 期刊论文
Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2005, 卷号: 21, 期号: 6, 页码: 557-563
Authors:  Wang BY(王柏懿);  Xiong X;  Osiptsov AN;  Wang, BY (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Shock Wave  Dusty Gas  Two-phase Boundary Layer  Two-way Coupling  Numerical Modeling  Initial-stages  Lift Force  Particle  Waves  Air  
Shock wave diffraction by a square cavity filled with dusty gas 期刊论文
Shock Waves, 2001, 卷号: 11, 期号: 1, 页码: 7-14
Authors:  Wang BY(王柏懿);  Wu QS(吴清松);  Wang C(王超);  Igra O;  Falcovitz J
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Shock Wave Attenuation  Dusty Gas Dynamics  Shock Wave Diffraction  
Wave pattern characteristics of a two-phase nozzle flow by shock propagation 期刊论文
Shock Waves, 1997, 卷号: 7, 期号: 3, 页码: 127-133
Authors:  Wu QS;  Wang DZ;  Xu YH;  Wang BY(王柏懿)
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Wave Pattern  Shock Propagation  Dusty Gas  Two-phase Flow  Convergent-divergent Nozzle  Numerical Analysis