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New Numerical Algorithms in SUPER CE/SE and Their Applications in Explosion Mechanics 期刊论文
Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2010, 卷号: 53, 期号: 2, 页码: 237−243
Authors:  Wang G(王刚);  Wang JT(王景焘);  Liu KX(刘凯欣);  Liu KX(刘凯欣)
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New Algorithm  Super Ce/se  Numerical Simulation  Explosion Mechanics  
Experimental Setup for Assessing the Energetic Materials Deflagration Propagation under High Temperature and High Pressure Conditions 会议论文
International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, Kunming, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 22-25, 2009
Authors:  Chen L(陈力);  Li DC(李德聪);  Wang YJ;  Ding YS(丁雁生);  Chen L
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Mechanics Of Explosion  Low Permeability Reservoirs  Explosion In Fractures  Milky Explosives  Deflagration Propagation  Experimental Setup