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Performance enhancement of ammonium dinitramide (ADN)-based thruster using coaxial dielectric barrier discharge 期刊论文
AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2025, 卷号: 156, 页码: 8./通讯作者:Zhang, Shaohua
Authors:  Wang FY(王方仪);  Zhou GX(周功喜);  Deng YH(邓宇宏);  Zhang SH(张少华);  Yu XL(余西龙)
Favorite  |  View/Download:19/0  |  Submit date:2025/01/13
ADN-based liquid propellant  Plasma-assisted combustion  Flame stability  Proper orthogonal decomposition  Radiation intensity  
The role of low/high- temperature chemistry in computationally reproducing flame stabilization modes of hydrogen-fueled supersonic combustion 期刊论文
COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 2024, 卷号: 269, 页码: 17./通讯作者:Fan, Xuejun
Authors:  Wu K(吴坤);  Zhang, Peng;  Galassi, RiccardoMalpica;  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Supersonic combustion  Flame stabilization  Numerical simulation  Chemistry modeling  CSP/TSR analysis  
Flame transfer functions of asymmetric conical and V-shaped flames 期刊论文
AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2024, 卷号: 153, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Lv, Yu
Authors:  Qiao Z(乔正);  Lv Y(吕钰)
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G-equation  Transfer function  Asymmetric V-shaped flame  Asymmetric conical flame  Combustion instabilities  
Stability of Gas Diffusion Flame in Laterally Confined Space 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, 2024, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Zhu, Feng
Authors:  Wang XZ(王秀珍);  Zhu F(朱凤);  Wang SF(王双峰)
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jet diffusion flame  Craya-Curtet number  flame stability  confined space  
Premixed flame ignition: Theoretical development 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE, 2024, 卷号: 104, 页码: 42./通讯作者:Chen, Zheng
Authors:  Yu DH(于德海);  Chen, Zheng
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Ignition  Premixed flame  Minimum ignition energy  Flame propagation  
Experimental Investigation of Microwave-Assisted Kerosene Supersonic Combustion 期刊论文
Authors:  Sun WM(孙文明);  Meng, Yu;  Ren YH(任耀辉);  Gu HB(顾洪斌)
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Plasma-assisted combustion  microwave-assisted combustion  supersonic combustion  flame stability  kerosene combustion  
Turbulent burning velocity of NH3/H2/air mixtures spherical flames: Effects of differential diffusion and turbulent stretch 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2024, 卷号: 59, 页码: 525-534./通讯作者:Li, Guo-Xiu, Li, Hong-Meng
Authors:  Cao, JianBin;  Zhao, Nan Nan;  Li, GuoXiu;  Li, HongMeng;  Zhang GP(张国鹏);  Yang, Jun
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Ammonia/hydrogen/air mixtures  Turbulent expending flame  Differential diffusion  Turbulent stretch  Turbulent burning velocity  
On the transition modes and mechanisms for laminar to turbulent lifted jet diffusion flames at normal- and micro-gravity 期刊论文
COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 2024, 卷号: 260, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Wang, Shuangfeng
Authors:  Li D(李丹);  Wen, Yuzhe;  Liu, Yu Cheng;  Wang SF(王双峰)
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Lifted flame  Non-premixed jet  Transition to turbulence  Flame stability  Microgravity  
Influence of non-thermal plasma and electric field on non-premixed methane flame 期刊论文
THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS, 2024, 卷号: 47, 页码: 15./通讯作者:Li, Teng
Authors:  Zhang YF(张玉锋);  Li T(李腾);  Wei XL(魏小林)
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Non -thermal plasma  Coaxial micro -tube burner  Methane flame  Combustion stability  
Extinction of microgravity partially premixed flame aboard the Chinese Space Station 期刊论文
PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 2024, 卷号: 40, 期号: 1-4, 页码: 7./通讯作者:Liu, Yu Cheng
Authors:  Wen, Yuzhe;  Li, Longfei;  Li, Xingxian;  Luo, Lei;  Chen, Tao;  Zhang, Wenyi;  Zhou, Hengyi;  Chen, Shuqing;  Sun, Yuhang;  Shi, Jingzan;  Huang, Xiangrong;  Mevel, Remy;  Wang SF(王双峰);  Zheng, Huilong;  Yang, Xiaofang;  Zhang, Xiaowu;  He, Yufeng;  Du, Changshuai;  Cao, Jiaokun;  Liu, Yu Cheng
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Partially premixed flame  Non-premixed flame  Radiation  Microgravity  Extinction