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Numerical and Experimental Investigation On The Prevention of Co Deflagration 期刊论文
Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, 2009, 卷号: 22, 期号: 2, 页码: 169-175
Authors:  Zhang Y(张宇);  Yu LX(余立新);  Wei XL(魏小林);  Li T(李腾);  Li B(李博);  Zhang Y
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Co  Deflagration  Preventing Deflagration  Flame Acceleration  Repeated Obstacles  Turbulence  
Combustion tube studies of dust flame acceleration 期刊论文
Shock Waves, 1995, 卷号: 5, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 103-108
Authors:  Pu YK(浦以康);  Hu S;  Jarosinski J
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Dust Flame Acceleration  Transition To deTonation  Dust Explosion