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CO_2 geological sequestration modelling and injection induced fracturing analysis of the caprock 会议论文
Rock Characterisation;Modelling and Engineering Design Methods——the 3RD Isrm Sinorock Symposium, 中国上海/Shanghai, 2013-06-18
Authors:  Liu XL;  Lin P;  Wang EZ;  He GH;  Han GF(韩国锋)
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Caprock  Geological  Modelling  Sequestration  Analysis  Reservoirs  Formations  Brine  Injection  Migration  Fracturing  Induced  Saline  Trapping  Geothermal  Porosity  Saturation  Mineralization  Permeability  Hydro  
Quantifying rupture force and bond lifetime of P-selectin-PSGL-1 interactions at lower forces 会议论文
Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008 - 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, ICHMM 2008, Huangshan, China, June 3, 2008 - June 8, 2008
Authors:  Zhang Y(章燕);  Sun GY(孙淦云);  Huo B(霍波);  Long M(龙勉)
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Applied Forces  Atomic Forces  Biological Processes  Bond Dissociations  Bond Lifetimes  Bond Ruptures  External Forces  Flow Chambers  Glycoprotein Ligands  Life-times  Ligand Interactions  Loading Rates  Optical Traps  Physiological Flows  Rupture Forces  Selectin  Spring Constants  Thrombosis Formations  To Many  Tumor Metastases  
Characterizing Association Kinetics of Selectin-PSGL-1 Binding Using a Thermal Fluctuation Assay 会议论文
第二届全国“跨学科蛋白质研究”学术讨论会, 中国山东烟台, 2008-07-01
Authors:  Long M(龙勉)
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Formations  Dissociation  Metastasis  Kinetics  Cascade  Receptor  Gated