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Mechanochemistry of Single 2-Integrin-ICAM-1 Molecular Pair 会议论文
中国化学会第三届全国生物物理化学会议暨国际华人生物物理化学发展论坛, 中国山东青岛, 2014-07-23
Authors:  Li N(李宁);  Mao DB(毛德斌);  Lv SQ(吕守芹);  Zhang Y(章燕);  Long M(龙勉)
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Integrin  Intercellular  Integrin  Adhesive  Governed  Rolling  Kinetics  Affinity  Subunit  Residues  
Impact of probe stiffness on receptor-ligand bond dissociation 会议论文
the 3rd Asia Pacific Protein Association Conference in Conjunction with the 3rd Symposium of the Chinese Protein Society, 中国北京/Beijing, China, 2011-05-06
Authors:  Zhang Y(章燕);  Sun GY(孙淦云);  Lv SQ(吕守芹);  Long M(龙勉)
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Stiffness  Receptor  Dissociation  Ligand  Probe  Molecule  Probe  Formation  Force  Cario  Barrier  Determine  Metastasis  Mainly  Governed  Irreversible  Bonds  Theorem  Effect  Energy