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Twin boundaries showing very large deviations from the twinning plane 期刊论文
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2012, 卷号: 67, 期号: 10, 页码: 862-865
作者:  Zhang XY;  Li B;  Wu XL(武晓雷);  Zhu YT;  Ma Q;  Liu Q;  Wang PT;  Horstemeyer MF;  Li, B;  Mississippi State Univ, Ctr Adv Vehicular Syst, Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA.
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Twin  Twin Boundary  Deformation Twinning  Cobalt  Magnesium  Magnesium Alloy  Hcp Metals  Zonal Dislocations  Deformation  Behavior  Interfaces  Aluminum  
不同温度下镁合金AZ31B的位错与孪晶滑移阻力和织构演化 会议论文
第十二届全国物理力学学术会议, 中国广西桂林, 2012-11-12
作者:  刘垚;  魏宇杰
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Hcp镁  晶体塑性  温度  形变孪晶  织构  
Deformation twinning in a nanocrystalline hcp Mg alloy 期刊论文
Scripta Materialia, 2011, 卷号: 64, 期号: 3, 页码: 213-216
作者:  Wu XL(武晓雷);  Youssef KM;  Koch CC;  Mathaudhu SN;  Kecskes LJ;  Zhu YT;  Zhu, YT (reprint author), N Carolina State Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Box 7907, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA
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Twinning  Nanocrystalline  Hcp  Mg  Alloying  Stacking-fault Energy  Molecular-dynamics Simulation  High Ductility  Metals  Twins  Magnesium  Mechanism  Strength  Aluminum  Copper  
Continuum modeling of the response of a Mg alloy AZ31 rolled sheet during uniaxial deformation 期刊论文
International Journal of Plasticity, 2011, 卷号: 27, 期号: 11, 页码: 1739-1757
作者:  Fernandez A;  Perez PMT;  Wei YJ(魏宇杰);  Jerusalem A;  Jerusalem, A (reprint author), IMDEA Mat Inst, Calle Prof Aranguren S-N, Madrid 28040, Spain
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Magnesium  Continuum Model  Crystal Plasticity  High-temperature Deformation  Independent Crystal Plasticity  Finite-element-method  Magnesium Alloy  Texture Evolution  Single-crystal  Hcp Metals  Mechanical-behavior  Strain Rates  Grain-size