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FTIR trend term removal method based on GA and MSAC algorithms 会议论文
Conference on Earth and Space - From Infrared to Terahertz (ESIT), Nantong, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 17-19, 2022
Authors:  Yan B(闫浡);  Fang JY;  Chen H(陈豪);  Li SH(李帅辉)
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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)Trend term removalGenetic algorithm (GA)M-estimate sample consistency algorithm (MSAC)  
Multispectral infrared absorption spectroscopy for quantitative temperature measurements in axisymmetric laminar premixed sooting flames 期刊论文
CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING, 2021, 卷号: 28, 页码: 11./通讯作者:Ma, Liuhao, Cheong, Kin-Pang
Authors:  Ma, Liuhao;  Duan, Kun;  Cheong, Kin-Pang;  Yuan CK(苑朝凯);  Ren, Wei
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Temperature measurement  Sooting flame  Multispectral infrared absorption spectroscopy  Optical sensing  
A method for rapid generation of 3D infrared radiation intensity field of engine exhaust plume 会议论文
6th Symposium on Novel Optoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, 3 December 2019 through 5 December 2019
Authors:  Bao XD(包醒东);  Yu XL(余西龙);  Wang Z.-H;  Mao H.-X;  Xiao Z.-H.
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Calculation method  Exhaust plume  Infrared spectroscopy  Radiation intensity  Three-dimensional space  
Investigation on the combustion properties of refuse derived fuel in an internally circulating fluidized bed 会议论文
2011 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, ICEESD 2011, Shanghai, China, OCT 21-23, 2011
Authors:  Liu DF(刘典福);  Zhu FQ;  Wei XL(魏小林);  Liu DF(刘典福)
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Carbon Dioxide  Electric Properties  Electrical Engineering  Flue Gases  Fluidization  Fluidized Bed Process  Fluidized Beds  Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy  Fourier Transforms  Gas Emissions  Incineration  Refuse Collection  Refuse Derived Fuels  Refuse Incineration  Sulfur Dioxide  Thermocouples  Waste Disposal  Bed Height  Circulating Fluidized Bed  Combustion Property  Environmental Standards  Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry  Pollutant Emission  Refuse Derived Fuels (Rdf)  
A tunable diode-laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) thermometry for combustion diagnostics 会议论文
15th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Dayton, OH, United states, April 28, 2008 - May 1, 2008
Authors:  Yu XL(余西龙);  Li F(李飞);  Chen LH(陈立红);  Chang XY(张新宇)
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Absorption Lines  Combustion Diagnostics  Direct Absorption  Fiber-coupled  Flat Flame Burner  High Sensitivity  Near Infrared  Non-intrusive  Premixed  Scan Rates  Thermocouple Measurements  Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy  Tunable Diode Lasers  Water Vapor Concentration  Water-vapor Absorption