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Dual-modulus 3D printing technology for magnetorheological Metamaterials-Part II: Negative regulation theory and application 期刊论文
Authors:  Lou, Congcong;  Liu, Bing;  Cao, Xufeng;  Gao, Liang;  Xuan, Shouhu;  Deng HX(邓华夏);  Gong, Xinglong
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A. Smart materials  B. Vibration  B. Magnetic properties  E. 3D Printing  
An improved magnetic properties measurement scheme using a torsion pendulum 期刊论文
RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 2023, 卷号: 54, 页码: 8
Authors:  Liu, Binbin;  Yang, Zhen;  Qiang, Li-e;  Xu P(徐鹏);  Peng, Xiaodong;  Luo ZR(罗子人);  Zhang, Yuzhu;  Tang, Wenlin
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Torsion pendulum  Magnetic properties  Magnetic field correction  
Formation mechanism and improved properties of Cu95Fe5 homogeneous immiscible composite coating by the combination of mechanical alloying and laser cladding 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2018, 卷号: 740, 页码: 194-202
Authors:  Dai XQ;  Xie M;  Zhou SF;  Wang CX;  Gu MH;  Yang JX;  Li ZY(李正阳)
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Immiscible Alloy  Liquid Phase Separation  Cu-fe  Microstructure  Magnetic Properties  
Effect of niobium substitution on microstructures and thermal stability of TbCu7-type Sm-Fe-N magnets 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 2018, 卷号: 36, 期号: 3, 页码: 281-286
Authors:  Wu GY;  Li HW;  Yu DB;  Li KS;  Yan WL;  Yuan C;  Sun L;  Luo Y;  Zhang K(张坤)
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Magnetic Properties  Thermal Stability  Grain Size  Pinning Field  Irreversible Flux Loss  Rare Earths  
Structure and hard magnetic properties of TbCu7-type SmFe8.95-xGa0.26Nbx nitrides 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 2018, 卷号: 36, 期号: 2, 页码: 165-169
Authors:  Yan WL;  Quan NT;  Luo Y;  Yu DB;  Wang ZL;  Wu GY;  Zhang K(张坤)
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Rapid-quenching  SmFe8.95-xGa0.26Nbx alloy  TbCu7-type structure  Magnetic properties  
Phase separated characteristics and soft magnetic properties of [Cu-0.6(FeCrC)(0.4)](100-x)Si-x immiscible composites by laser induction hybrid cladding 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2018, 卷号: 732, 页码: 740-747
Authors:  Zhou SF;  Dai XQ;  Wang CX;  Xie M;  Yang JX;  Li ZY(李正阳)
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Immiscible Alloys  Liquid Phase Separation  Magnetic Properties  Microstructure  Intermetallic Compound  
Synthesis and Characterization of (1-x)(Na(0.5)Bi(0.5))TiO(3)-xAl(6)Bi(2)O(12) Solid Solution 期刊论文
Ferroelectrics, 2011, 卷号: 413, 页码: 192-205
Authors:  Zhen Y;  Hall S;  Brown T;  Ekuma EC;  Bell Z;  Sun ZW(孙祉伟);  Wang JT;  Wang, JT (reprint author), So Univ, Dept Phys, Baton Rouge, LA 70813 USA
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(1-x)(Na(0.5)Bi(0.5))Tio(3)-xal(6)Bi(2)o(12) Solid soluTion  Dielectric  Ferroelectric  Piezoelectric  High-pressure Synthesis  Piezoelectric Properties  Ferroelectric Ceramics  Dielectric-properties  Electrical-properties  Magnetic-properties  Crystal-structure  Lead  Bicro3  
Deformation Behavior Of Fe-Based Bulk Metallic Glass During Nanoindentation 期刊论文
Science In China Series G-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2008, 页码: 365-371
Authors:  Li L(李磊);  Liu Y(刘渊);  Zhang TH(张泰华);  Gu JS(谷建生);  Wei BC(魏炳忱);  Wei, BC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Natl Micrograv Lab, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Bulk Metallic Glass  Nanoindentation  Serrated Flow  Shear Band  Plastic-flow  Magnetic-properties  
Microstructural evolution and formation of nanocrystalline intermetallic compound during surface mechanical attrition treatment of cobalt 期刊论文
Acta Materialia, 2007, 卷号: 55, 期号: 17, 页码: 5768-5779
Authors:  Wu XL(武晓雷);  Tao NR;  Wei QM;  Jiang P;  Lu J;  Lu K;  Wu, XL (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Nanocrystalline Materials  Diffusion  Intermetallics  Surface Mechanical Attrition  Severe Plastic-deformation  High-pressure Torsion  Triple Junctions  Nanostructured Materials  Magnetic-properties  Enhanced Diffusion  Self-diffusion  Pipe Diffusion  Alloys  Dislocations  
Effect of Fe content on the thermal stability and dynamic mechanical behavior of NdAlNiCu bulk metallic glasses 期刊论文
Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2004, 卷号: 385, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 397-401
Authors:  Li WH(李维火);  Wei BC(魏炳忱);  Sun YF(孙玉峰);  Wang YR(王育人);  Dong YD;  Wei, BC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Natl Micrograv Lab, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Bulk Metallic Glass  Glass Transition  Crystallization  Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis  Magnetic-properties  Internal-friction  Amorphous-alloys  Crystallization  Evolution  Viscosity  Liquid  Phase  Range  Flow