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Fractal in fracture of bulk metallic glass 期刊论文
INTERMETALLICS, 2010, 卷号: 18, 期号: 12, 页码: 2468-2471./通讯作者:Dai, L. H.
作者:  Jiang MQ(蒋敏强);  Meng JX(孟积兴);  Gao J B;  Wang XL;  Rouxel T;  Keryvin V;  Ling Z(凌中);  Dai LH(戴兰宏)
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Bulk Metallic Glass  Dynamic Fracture  Nanoscale Periodic Corrugation  Fractal  
Fractals in fracture of bulk metallic glass 期刊论文
Intermetallics, 2010, 卷号: 18, 期号: 12, 页码: 2468-2471
作者:  Jiang MQ(蒋敏强);  Meng JX(孟积兴);  Gao JB;  Wang XL;  Rouxel T;  Keryvin C;  Ling Z(凌中);  Dai LH(戴兰宏)
Adobe PDF(751Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:1291/272  |  提交时间:2010/11/14
Bulk Metallic Glass  Dynamic Fracture  Nanoscale Periodic Corrugation  Fractal