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Three-dimensional numerical study of the acoustic properities of a highly underexpanded jet 会议论文
20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2015, Glasgow, United kingdom, July 6, 2015 - July 9, 2015
Authors:  Wu K(吴坤);  Li XP(李晓鹏);  Yao W(姚卫);  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Frequency Spectrum Analysis  High Temporal Resolution  Instantaneous Flow  Noise Generation Mechanisms  Theoretical Modeling  Three  Dimensional Numerical Studies  Transport Mechanism  Under  Expanded Jets  
高速列车的关键力学问题 期刊论文
力学进展, 2015, 卷号: 45, 期号: 1, 页码: 217-460
Authors:  杨国伟;  魏宇杰;  赵桂林;  刘玉标;  曾晓辉;  邢云林;  赖姜;  张营营;  吴晗;  陈启生;  刘秋生;  李家春;  胡开鑫;  杨中平;  刘文正;  王文静;  孙守光;  张卫华;  周宁;  李瑞平;  吕青松;  金学松;  温泽峰;  肖新标;  赵鑫;  崔大宾;  吴兵;  钟硕乔;  周信
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高速列车  空气动力学  弓网关系  车体振动  运行稳定性  轮轨关系  结构可靠性  噪声  High Speed Rails  Aerodynamics  Catenary-pantograph Interaction  Dynamics And Related Issues Of Carbody  Stability Analysis  Rail-wheel Interaction  Reliability Of Key Components  Noise-generation  
A numerical study on aerodynamic noise sources of high-speed train 会议论文
1st International Workshop on High-Speed and Intercity Railways, IWHIR 2011, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, China, JULY 19-22, 2011
Authors:  Yang Y(杨焱);  Yang GW(杨国伟);  Yang Y(杨焱)
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High-speed Train  Aerodynamic Noise  Noise Source Generation  Cfd  Caa