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工程地质灾害预测的理论及方法2012年度报告 科技报告
, 2012
Authors:  李世海, 周东, 刘晓宇, 冯春, 刘天苹
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滑坡, 数据库, 灾害预测, 模型实验, 数值算法 Slope, Data base, Disaster prediction, Model test, Numerical test  
“重大工程地质灾害的预测理论及数值分析方法研究”立项报告 科技报告
, 2010
Authors:  李世海, 周东, 刘晓宇, 冯春, 刘天苹
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地质灾害, 防灾体系, 灾害预测, 数值方法(Geological disaster, Disaster prevention system, Disaster prediction, Numerical analysis method)  
Statistical Tests of Load-Unload Response Ratio Signals By Lattice Solid Model: Implication To Tidal Triggering and Earthquake Prediction 期刊论文
PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2004, 卷号: 161, 期号: 9-10, 页码: 1829-1839
Authors:  Wang YC(王裕仓);  Mora P;  Yin C;  Place D;  Wang, YC (reprint author), Univ Queensland, Dept Earth Sci, QUAKES, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia.
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Load-unload Response Ratio (Lurr)  Lattice Solid Model (Lsm)  Numerical Simulation  Tidal Trigger  Earthquake Prediction  
高频感应等离子体风洞的流场研究 学位论文
硕士论文,北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 1999
Authors:  吴彬
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高频感应等离子体  风洞  数值模拟  光谱分析  水冷总压探针  Inductively Coupled Plasma  Wind Tunnel  Numerical Prediction  Optical Spectrum Analyzer  Total Impact Water-cooled Tube