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Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Fracture Behaviors of Polymethyl Methacrylate 会议论文
23rd World Forum on Advanced Polymeric Materials (POLYCHAR), Univ Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, MAY 11-15, 2015
Authors:  Gao GY;  Zhou J;  Li Z;  Li, Z (reprint author), Peking Univ, State Key Lab Turbulence & Complex Syst, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.;  Li, Z (reprint author), Peking Univ, Coll Engn, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.
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Crack Interaction  Fracture  Optical Method Of Caustics  Semi-circular Bending  Toughness  Stress Intensity Factor  Semicircular Bend Technique  Crack-propagation  Brittle-fracture  Caustic Analysis  Specimen  Pmma  Parallel  Field  Rock